John R. Carter

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John R. Carter (born October 22, 1907 , † February 22, 1982 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American sound engineer .


Carter began his career in 1944. He worked in the 1940s on Douglas Sirk's crime comedy Lured as well as on two films by Anthony Mann , The Perfumed Killer and Demon of Paris . He first worked for television in the 1950s, including the Roy Rogers Show . When it came to film, he was mostly involved in B-movies . In 1962 he worked for the first time on a John Wayne film, the adventure film Hatari! . Three more joint films followed by 1975, El Dorado , Rio Lobo and With Dynamit and Pious Sayings . Carter often worked in the western genre, including the films Man Called Him Hombre , Inferno on the River and The Vultures Are Waiting .

Carter was involved in two Steven Spielberg films, Sugarland Express and Jaws . For the latter film he received in 1976 along with Robert L. Hoyt , Roger Heman Jr. and Earl Madery the Oscar in the category Best Sound . He was also nominated for the film for the BAFTA Film Award in the Best Sound category.

Carter died in 1982 at the age of 74.

Filmography (selection)


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