John Stoll

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Johann "John" Leslie C. Stoll (born December 13, 1913 in London ; † June 25, 1990 ) was a British film architect who won the Oscar for best production design in the color film Lawrence of Arabia (1962) at the 1963 Academy Awards .


Stoll began his work as art director and production designer in the film industry in 1947 for the film The Courtneys of Curzon Street and was involved in the production of almost 100 films until 1989.

At the 1963 Academy Awards, he was honored with John Box and Dario Simoni for the best film buildings in Lawrence of Arabia (1962) by director David Lean with Peter O'Toole , Alec Guinness and Anthony Quinn in the leading roles .

In 1980, he and art director Karel Vacek received an Emmy nomination for outstanding art direction in a short series or a series special for the CBS- produced episode In the West Nothing New (1979) of the Hallmark Hall of Fame series .

Filmography (selection)


  • 1963 : Oscar for the best production design in a color film

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