Pyroderces argyrogrammos

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Pyroderces argyrogrammos
Pyroderces argyrogrammos (20661294346) .jpg

Pyroderces argyrogrammos

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Magnificent butterfly (Cosmopterigidae)
Subfamily : Cosmopteriginae
Genre : Pyroderces
Type : Pyroderces argyrogrammos
Scientific name
Pyroderces argyrogrammos
( Zeller , 1847)

Pyroderces argyrogrammos is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of cosmopterigidae (Cosmopterigidae).


The moths reach a wingspan of 11 to 17 millimeters. The head is white and brown on the sides. The antennae are ocher gray and have a white line that extends from the base to past the first quarter. The last two thirds of the antennae are sawn. The thorax is ocher brown and has a white midline. The tegulae are also ocher brown and lined with white inside. The forewings are ocher brown, have a silky white markings and a basal longitudinal line in front of the inner edge of the wing. A slanting inward band is 1/3 of the fore wing length. It is interrupted in the middle. An irregular costal line lies in front of the wing center and forks in the direction of the apex . In the middle of the wing inner edge there are two spots, another is in the disc cell. A few subcostal spots in the apical area and a broken line that extends from the inner angle to the wing tip belong to the drawing . Most of the lines and spots are irregularly lined with dark brown. The fringed scales are ocher-brown at the apex, ocher-colored yellow at the inner corner and gray towards the inner wing edge. The hind wings are gray and have ocher-gray fringed scales. The abdomen is ocher-gray, the segments are banded white behind. The silky white markings and the dark brown border of the forewings are variable.

In the male, the tegumen is rounded. The right brachium is curved while the left is nearly straight. The blades are spatulate and have a slightly concave upper edge. The lower edge is convex . The aedeagus is trimmed and has a flange-shaped basal ring, which is laterally provided with two extensions. The slightly curved manica tapers distally and has a downwardly curved tip. The left valvella is long and slender and slightly narrower in the middle. The right valvella is very short and blunt.

In the females, the ostium has a sclerotized ring and an opening on the left side of the asymmetrical sterigma . The ductus bursae is membranous and slightly shorter than the corpus bursae. The corpus bursae is oval. The Signa have two rows of irregular needles of different sizes and shapes.

Similar species

A similar species is Pyroderces caesaris . The distinguishing features are described in the art article.


Pyroderces argyrogrammos is native to southern and central Europe . In the north, the species has been detected in the north of central Germany. The distribution area extends from the Canary Islands in the west across the Mediterranean to Iran and Central Asia . The species is very common in steppes and forest steppes.


The caterpillars develop on boar wort ( Carlina ), knapweed ( Centaurea ) and ring thistle ( Carduus ). Also at blessed thistle ( Cnicus benedictus ), Spanish thistle Gold ( Scolymus hispanicus ), Woolly safflower ( Carthamus lanatus ), safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius ) and Pycnomon acarna caterpillars have been detected. They bore into the tubular flowers and mainly eat seeds. The different generations develop on different plants. The caterpillars overwinter and pupate in a loose cocoon between the pappus of the seeds. The infected seed heads are particularly noticeable in winter because they do not open. The species forms two generations a year, a third generation is also possible in the south. The moths are active almost throughout the warm season. In the Mediterranean area, the moths appear irregularly from late April to late September.


The following synonyms are known:

  • Cosmopteryx argyrogrammos Zeller , 1847
  • Pyroderces goldeggiella Herrich-Schäffer , 1853

supporting documents

  1. a b c d J. C. Koster, S. Yu. Sinev: Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae, Chrysopeleiidae . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 5 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2003, ISBN 87-88757-66-8 , pp. 123 (English).
  2. ^ Pyroderces argyrogrammos in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved January 19, 2012

Web links

Commons : Pyroderces argyrogrammos  - collection of images, videos and audio files