Jordi Puntí

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Jordi Puntí (2016)

Jordi Puntí (born 1967 in Manlleu , Barcelona ) is a Catalan writer and journalist.


Puntí studied Romance studies and literature at the University of Barcelona . He worked for various Catalan-language publishers (Edicions 62, Quaderns Crema, Columna Edicions, Club Editor) before becoming a journalist and translator .

At the beginning of his writing career stood the publication of two books with short stories: 1998 Pell d'Armadillo (winner of the Premi de la Crítica Serra d'Or), and 2001 Animals tristos ("Elevated Temperature" Kiepenheuer and Witsch, 2007). Until 2006, Puntí worked as the editor of Quadern, a literary supplement to the El País newspaper . Since then he has been a columnist for the daily newspaper El Periódico and for the monthly cultural magazine L'Avenç . In 2006 Animals Tristos was filmed by Ventura Pons under the title Animals ferits . In 2010, Puntí published his first novel Maletes perdudes (“The insane journeys of Gabriel Delacruz” Kiepenheuer and Witsch , 2013), for which he received several prizes (Crítica de la narrativa catalana, Lletra d'Or, Premi Llibreter) and which has been translated into 16 languages has been. In 2011 the volume of stories Els Castellans came out. In 2014, Puntí received a literary scholarship from the Cullman Center at the New York Public Library .


Own works

Works translated into German


  • Edward Gorey, L'hoste incert . El Far, Barcelona 2009
  • Edward Gorey, L'arpa sense encordar . El Far, Barcelona 2009
  • Edward Gorey, La colla mata-degolla . El Far, Barcelona 2008
  • Paul Auster, Història de la meva màquina d'escriure . Edicions 62, Barcelona 2002
  • Paul Auster, Lulu on the bridge . Edicions 62, Barcelona 1998
  • Amélie Nothomb, Higiene de l'assassí . Columna, Barcelona 1998
  • Daniel Pennac, Senyors nens . Empúries, Barcelona 1998

Web links