José Melitón Chavez

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José Melitón Chávez (born July 2, 1957 in Romero Pozo , Argentina ) is an Argentine clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Concepción .


José Melitón Chavez received on 29 November in 1985 by the Archbishop of Tucumán , Horacio Alberto Bozzoli , the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On October 17, 2015 it appointed Pope Francis to the Bishop of Añatuya . The bishop emeritus of Añatuya, Adolfo Armando Uriona FDP , donated him episcopal ordination on December 4th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the retired Archbishop of Tucumán, Luis Héctor Cardinal Villalba , and the Archbishop of Tucumán, Alfredo Horacio Zecca .

On October 16, 2019, Francis appointed him Coadjutor Bishop of Concepción. With the resignation of Armando José María Rossi OP on March 19, 2020, he succeeded him as Bishop of Concepción.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nomina del Vescovo di Añatuya (Argentina). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , October 17, 2015, accessed October 17, 2015 (Italian).
  2. ^ Nomina del Vescovo Coadiutore di Concepción (Argentina). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, October 16, 2019, accessed October 16, 2019 (Italian).
  3. ^ Rinuncia e successione del Vescovo di Concepción (Argentina). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , March 19, 2020, accessed March 19, 2020 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Adolfo Armando Uriona FDP Bishop of Añatuya
José Luis Corral SVD
Armando José María Rossi OP Bishop of Concepción
since 2020