Josef Cibulka

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Josef Cibulka (born July 1, 1886 in Wildenschwert , Austro-Hungarian Monarchy , † April 2, 1968 in Prague , Czechoslovakia ) was a Czech Catholic clergyman and art historian .

Josef Cibulka attended the German grammar school in Landskron (1897–1901) and the Czech grammar school in Leitomischl (1901–1905). He then studied from 1905 to 1910 Catholic theology at the Pontificio Collegio Urbaniano "De Propaganda Fide" in Rome. Here he acquired his theological license in 1909 and was promoted to Dr. theol. PhD. On December 18, 1909, Cibulka was ordained a priest in S. Giovanni in Laterano for the diocese of Königgrätz . He then returned to his homeland and taught church music and art history at the seminary in Königgsgrätz from 1910 to 1919. In 1916/17 he deepened his studies at the University of Vienna in church history and art history. From 1919 to 1922 he was associate professor of Christian archeology and art history at the theological faculty of the newly founded University of Bratislava , but since this faculty only existed on paper, Cibulka was able to go to Paris and Strasbourg for further studies in 1920/21.

In 1922 he became associate professor, in 1928 full professor of church history at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague from 1928 to 1939 and 1945 to 1953 full professor of Christian archeology and Christian art . At the same time he was from 1927 to 1939 and 1945 to 1950 private lecturer in Christian archeology and art history at the philosophical faculty of Charles University. From 1953 to 1960 he taught at the theological faculty, which was outsourced to Litoměřice / Leitmeritz. In 1950 he became a canon and in 1956 provost of the chapter of the collegiate monastery of the All Saints Church at Prague Castle .

His main research area was the medieval architecture and art of Great Moravia .

Publications (selection)

  • Starokřesťanská ikonografie a zobrazování Ukřižovaného [Old Church Iconography and the Depiction of the Crucified]. Družstvo Přátel Studia, Prague 1924
  • Václavova rotunda . Prague 1933
  • Český řád korunovační a jeho původ . Prague 1934
  • Kostel sv. Jiří na Hradě pražském. Stavební dějiny a průvodce památkami / St. George's Church in Prague Castle. Building history and guide . Státní grafická škola, Prague 1936
  • Albrecht Dürer . Prague 1941
  • El Greco . Prague 1941
  • Knižní ilustrace Maxe Švabinského . Prague 1954
  • Velkomoravský kostel v Modré u Velehradu a začátky křesťanství na Moravě [The Great Moravian Church in Modra near Welegrad and the beginnings of Christianity in Moravia]. Prague 1958.
  • Korunovační klenoty . Prague 1969
    • German: The coronation jewels of the Bohemian kingdom . Odeon, Prague 1969.


  • Vojtěch Novotný, Jan Royt, Karel Sklenář: Cibulka, Josef January . In: Biografický slovník českých zemí . Volume 9, Prague 2008, pp. 409-410 ( digitized version ).
  • Markéta Jarošova (Ed.): Professori Josef Cibulka ad honorem. Sborník příspěvků přednesených na symposiu Život a dilo prof. ThDr. PhDr. Josefa Cibulky (1886–1968) . Prague 2009, ISBN 978-80-87258-11-8 .
  • Petr Kubín: Josef Cibulka . In: Stefan Heid, Martin Dennert (Hrsg.): Personal Lexicon for Christian Archeology. Researchers and personalities from the 16th to the 21st century . Volume 1: A - J. Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-7954-2620-0 , pp. 317-318.
  • Lubomír Slavíček (ed.): Slovník historiků umění, výtvarných kritiků, teoretiků a publicistů v českých zemích a jejich spolupracovníků z příbuzných oborů (asi 1800–2008) . Volume 1. Academia, Prague 2016, ISBN 978-80-200-2094-9 , pp. 183-186.