Josef Mauthner

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Josef Mauthner

Josef "Pepi" Mauthner , also Joseph Mauthner (born February 15, 1831 in Prague , † April 23, 1890 in Vienna ) was an Austrian merchant and poet .


He was the son of a wealthy Jewish factory owner in Prague and the brother of the ophthalmologist Ludwig Mauthner , the factory owner Max von Mauthner and the lawyer Philipp Mauthner . Mauthner received a careful upbringing in private tuition (among others by Moritz Hartmann ), even at that time his teachers noticed with his poetic inclination and at the age of 15 became a businessman in the family business, which his father moved to Vienna in 1848. He could only do poetry in his spare time and he continued to educate himself self-taught. He was involved in the revolution in March 1848 as an insurgent , composed barricade songs and was a member of the Academic Legion in Vienna. After the failed revolution, he returned to his trade and, after his father fell ill, had to run the business at a young age and support the family including his younger brothers (three of his brothers had important careers in Vienna). His commercial career was marked by ups and downs (at times he was a millionaire) and downs, but after the founders' crash in 1873 it went increasingly downhill. Another turning point was the early death of his brother Philipp in 1887, whose influence often benefited him. He was a well-known member of the Viennese society (in the Freundeskreis Pepi Mauthner ). In 1890 he committed suicide (shot in the head with a revolver). He left a farewell poem and a diary of his last hours.

All his life he shied away from publishing his poems. In 1883 Karl Emil Franzos published some of his poems in his German book of poets from Austria and in 1890 in his journal Deutsche Dichtung (Volume 7, Issue 10, for Mauthner's 60th birthday, For the anniversary of a stranger , but with Mauthner's name at the end). Franzos published further poems after the death of Mauthner (German Poetry, Volume 8, Issue 6, p. 152, Volume 9, p. 209, The Poems of the Unknown ). His son Isidor Mauthner published a volume of selected poems in 1891. Ludwig Fränkel describes him in his article in the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie as a fiery head and sanguine.

In 1856 he married Helene Arnstein Mauthner. The marriage was happy and he had a daughter and a son Dr. Isidor Mauthner (1860-1940), who was Ministerialrat in the Ministry of Railways.


  • Poems, edited by Isidor Mauthner, Vienna 1891, 2nd edition 1896


Web links

Commons : Josef Mauthner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files