Josef Mayer-Scheu

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Josef Mayer-Scheu (born April 12, 1936 in Mainz ; † 2013 in Mölln ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian , pastor, clinic chaplain and pastoral psychologist .


Josef Mayer-Scheu headed the Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training of the Archdiocese of Freiburg in Heidelberg , founded in 1979 .

This experience-based learning model from the USA, which goes back to Anton Theophilus Boisen (1876–1965), was institutionally anchored and made usable for the first time in the German Catholic Church, similar to what happened in the Protestant Church and others. a. by Dietrich Stollberg and Hans Christoph Pieper .

In the KSA, pastoral care and communication are learned and practiced in practice and theory.

During the time that Mayer-Scheu was in charge, the connection to the Heidelberg Clinic Community and the integration of the method of topic-centered interaction according to Ruth C. Cohn were the main focuses of the work of the institute.

He also worked internationally as a lecturer for topic-centered interaction at WILL Europe (later WILL International, now the Ruth Cohn Institute ).

Josef Mayer-Scheu died at the end of 2013.

Participation in professional associations

Fonts (selection)

Publications in book form

  • Josef Mayer-Scheu, Artur Reiner: Signs of salvation for the sick - anointing of the sick today. Kevelaer 1972, ISBN 3-7666-8571-6 .
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: Pastoral care in the hospital. Draft for a new practice. Mainz 1974, ISBN 3-7867-0629-8 .
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu, Artur Reiner: Signs of salvation for the sick. Anointing of the sick today. Kevelaer 1972, 2nd, improved and expanded edition, taking into account the reorganization of the anointing of the sick. Kevelaer 1975, ISBN 3-7666-8571-6 .
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu (Hrsg.), Rudolf Kautzky (Hrsg.): From treating to healing. The forgotten dimension in the hospital. 2., unchanged. Edition Vienna / Freiburg im Breisgau / Basel / Göttingen 1980, ISBN 3-210-24594-0 . (= See, understand, help, Volume 4)
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: Pastoral care and therapy with mentally ill. 1982.
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: The pastoral conversation. 1982.
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: Hospital pastoral care in transition. Inquiries to pastoral care and medicine in church hospitals. revised Drafting of several presentations, which on the occasion of the annual meeting of the working group Catholic hospitals of Rhineland-Palatinate a. Saarland on April 23, 1986 in Lebach / Saar, Kevelaer 1986, ISBN 3-7666-9497-9 .
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu, Rudolf Kautzky (prevod: Metka Klevišar): Od zdravljenja ka ozdravljenju: pozabljena razsežnost v bolnišnici. Župnijski Urad Ljubljana-Dravlje. 1995, ISBN 961-6123-03-3 . (From treating to healing, sloven.)

Articles in collective works

  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: The contribution of pastoral care in the existential crisis of humans. Pastoral care in intensive care units. In: Volker Eid (Hrsg.), Rudolf Frey (Hrsg.): Euthanasia or how far does the medical obligation to treat? Mainz 1978, ISBN 3-7867-0667-0 , pp. 61-84.
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: The human task of euthanasia. In: Volker Eid (Ed.): Euthanasia or should one kill on demand? 2., ext. Aufl. Josef Mayer-Scheu, Mainz 1985, ISBN 3-7867-1157-7 , pp. 95-107. (= Moral theology interdisciplinary)
  • Helga Aschaffenburg, Elisabeth von Godin, Josef Mayer-Scheu, Eleonore Olszowi, Hartmut Raguse, Helmut Reiser, Klaus Schütz, Annedore Schultze, Dietrich Stollberg , Jan Tillmann: Group work: thematic centered. Development history, criticism and reflection on methods. 2nd Edition. Mainz 1993, ISBN 3-7867-1292-1 . (= Aspects of topic-centered interaction, volume)
  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: Pastoral support for the dying and their relatives in the hospital. In: Rolf Winau (Hrsg.), Hans Peter Rosemeier (Hrsg.): Death and dying. Berlin / New York 1984, pp. 338-349.

Article (in selection)

  • Josef Mayer-Scheu: Group work with the Topic-Centered Interaction (TZI) in the church sector. In: adult education. Volume 23, 1977, pp. 130-138.


  • Manfred Krämer: Ruth Cohn in conversation with Manfred Krämer 12./13. January 2002. In: Topic-centered interaction. 16th year, issue 1, spring 2002, special issue Ruth C. Cohn, pp. 18–31. (online) (PDF; 319 kB)
  • Emanuel Oheim: Developments in dealing with the dying using the example of the Diakonie-Hospiz Wannsee. Hildesheim 2009, (dissertation, dissertation department of education and social sciences, inst. For psychology) (online)

Individual evidence

  1. Former head of the institute on the website of the Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training of the Archdiocese of Freiburg in Heidelberg, accessed on July 14, 2015