Josef Siegers

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Josef Siegers (born August 22, 1936 in Boslar near Jülich ) is a German association lawyer .


After graduating from high school in Jülich in 1956, Siegers studied law at the Universities of Marburg and Cologne , where he passed the first state examination in 1960 . During his studies he received a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation and the Cusanuswerk . In 1961 he received his doctorate with a work on legal philosophy with Ernst von Hippel in Cologne . He finished his legal clerkship in Cologne in 1965 with the second state examination in law.

After a year as a court assessor at the Cologne Regional Court , Siegers was appointed government assessor in the Federal Ministry of Labor in October 1966 . In 1968 he worked for a year as a lawyer in the law firm Ellscheid, Nussbaum, Hirtz in Cologne. At the beginning of 1969 he returned to the Federal Ministry of Labor and worked there in the basic department for the then emerging Employment Promotion Act (AFG), initially as a research assistant and then from 1972 as head of department , most recently as a ministerial advisor . During this time he was responsible for the further development of the AFG and its subsequent transfer to the social security code . In 1977 he was appointed Vice President of the Lower Saxony-Bremen State Labor Office.

At the beginning of 1980 he switched to the Federal Association of German Employers' Associations (BDA) and took over the management of the labor market policy department. One of his main tasks was to represent the labor market interests of German employers on the board of the Federal Labor Office and its numerous committees , from 1990 alternating with the respective representative of the German Trade Union Confederation as alternate chairman of the board. With this function the - z. Partly senior - membership in various organizations, such as B. on the board of the social law association, in the board of trustees of the Carl Duisberg Society and in the general assembly of the Federal Association for Rehabilitation (BAR).

In September 1982 he was admitted to the bar.

At the beginning of 1991 Siegers was appointed a member of the main management of the BDA. In addition to the labor market policy department, he also took over the management of the educational policy and international departments of the BDA. This also resulted in memberships and managerial functions in corresponding international and national organizations. The following should be emphasized: the board of directors of the "Foundation for Economic Development and Professional Qualification" (SEQUA), the board of trustees of the "Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation" (FIBAA), the function of vice chairman of the "Business and Industry Advisory Committee" (BIAC) , the representation of the international economy at the OECD , as well as the representation of the BDA in Business Europe, the European association of the national business organizations in Brussels.

In September 1992 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class by Federal Labor Minister Blüm .

During his many years of activity in the fields of labor market and education policy, Siegers has started various initiatives or played a key role in shaping them. In the 1990s, for example, he founded the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw) together with Hans-Jürgen Brackmann, the then head of the BDA department for education policy and later General Secretary, and built it up as the first chairman of the board. In 1999 he founded the MINT-EC association, which aims to counteract the shortage of young talent in the MINT subjects by promoting selected grammar schools. The board and management subsequently built up the national MINT-EC excellence school network. In 1999 Siegers introduced the acronym MINT (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology) into the discussion on education policy. At a meeting of the German University Professors' Conference with the presidents of the Eastern and South-Eastern European universities in Dresden at the beginning of the 1990s , he proposed that West German professors emeritus be sent to the universities there based on the model of the Senior Expert Service (SES) of the German economy send. The aim was to remedy the lack of teachers in modern bourgeois subjects, complained about by the Eastern European presidents. This resulted in the Johann Gottfried Herder program for retired professors of the DAAD, which is active worldwide today.

In the summer of 2000 Siegers left his work at BDA and the associated functions. Siegers has been the active publisher of the Kreklau-Siegers “Handbook for Training and Further Education” since 1992.

Individual evidence
