Josef Tibitanzl

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Josef Johannes Tibitanzl OCist. (Born June 6, 1869 in Hohenfurth , Bohemia ; † March 9, 1932 in Vienna ) was an Austrian theologian , popular preacher and writer .


Johannes Tibitanzl entered the novitiate of Hohenfurth Abbey in 1888 and then completed his theology studies in Budweis . In 1892 he received the priesthood and received his doctorate in 1902 at the German University in Prague for Dr. theol. From 1907 to 1932 he was a professor of fundamental theology in Heiligenkreuz and, at times , of canon law , moral theology , philosophy , the Old Testament and dogmatics . He completed his habilitation in Salzburg in 1908 and also lectured there. In 1924 he was awarded the title of Associate University Professor . He died in the hospital of the Barmherzigen Brüder in Vienna .


  • The importance of Ferdinand Kindermann for the school system, Munich 1905.
  • Core questions of ethics viewed from the standpoint of monism and Christianity, theological habilitation thesis, Salzburg 1908.
  • Social practice in catechetical teaching in: Weigl, Franz (ed.), Pedagogical Time Issues 20 (1908) Vol. 4, Booklet 2.
  • Once child's play, now a pilgrimage destination! or history of the place of grace Maria-Rast near Hohenfurt, Strebersdorf near Vienna 1904.


  • Four Christmas, in: Catholic school club calendar . Vienna 1909.
  • Schnaxen and Faxen, in: Salzburger Chronik, January 1, 1909.
  • The blacksmith of Waging , in: Universal calendar. Steinbrenner 1910.


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