Joseph Anton Salzmann

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Joseph Anton Salzmann (collotype between 1845 and 1855)

Joseph Anton Salzmann (born April 25, 1780 in Lucerne , † April 23, 1854 in Solothurn ) was the Roman Catholic Bishop of Basel .

The son of a printer and bookseller attended high school in his hometown and studied at the local lyceum from 1797 . When he became here already with 19 years of Lecturer (1799), he received in the April 11, 1803 Konstanz the priesthood . This was followed by a career as a theology professor, canon, episcopal commissioner and provicer for the canton of Lucerne, provost of St. Leodegar in Lucerne, managing director of the nuncio ( Gestor negotiorum Nuntiaturae ), cathedral dean in Solothurn and administrator of the diocese of Basel after the death of the last prince-bishop Franz Xavier von Neveu on August 23, 1828. On July 26, 1829 he was ordained bishop as his successor . The Aargau monastery dispute and the recall of the Jesuits to Lucerne in 1844, which ultimately led to the Sonderbund War of 1847, took place during his episcopate .


Web links

Commons : Joseph Anton Salzmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Franz Xaver of Neveu Bishop of Basel
Karl Arnold-Obrist