Joseph Ferdinand Dänkel

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Joseph Ferdinand Dänkel (also: Dänckhel , Dänkhel , Dankhel or Dankl ; * December 22, 1676 in Munich ; † December 3, 1736 ) in Tölz was maintenance commissioner in Bad Tölz and co-organizer of the Oberland uprising in 1705 against the imperial occupation , which was due to its inglorious End at the Sendlinger Murder Christmas became known.

After graduating from high school in 1693, Dänkel began his law studies at the University of Ingolstadt (today: Wilhelmsgymnasium Munich ) .

As a licentiate in law, he became a maintenance commissioner in Tölz in 1703 . According to Christian Probst, he was loyal and ambitious to the Elector Max Emanuel . Dänkel was early December 1705 from from Braunau am Inn coming Matthias Giles Fox won for the uprising.

After the uprising was suppressed, Dänkel was removed from office and only reinstated in 1715 after the elector's return.

In 1959, Danklstrasse was named after him in the Sendling district of Munich .


  • Hubert Dorn : The battle of Sendling 1705. Chronology of a Bavarian tragedy. Buchendorfer Verlag, Munich 2005.
  • Christian Probst : Better to die Bavarian. The Bavarian people's uprising in 1705 and 1706. Süddeutscher Verlag, Munich 1978.
  • Henric L. Wuermeling : 1705. The Bavarian popular uprising and the Sendlinger Murder Christmas. Langen Müller Verlag, Munich 2005.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Leitschuh: The matriculations of the upper classes of the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich , 4 vol., Munich 1970–1976; Vol. 2, p. 62.