Josephina (street)

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Obelisk in Karlovac

The Josephina (Croatian Jozefina , Jozefinska cesta , Latin via Josephina , German also Josefiner Straße ) is a historic road in Croatia that connects the city of Senj on the Adriatic coast with the city of Karlovac and the Pannonian Plain . It crosses the Dinaric Alps at an altitude of 700 m at the Vratnik Pass between Senj and Brinje and the Kapela Pass between Brinje and Josipdol .

It was already used as a salt road by the Romans , and later in the Middle Ages it also became important for the transport of wood and other goods. Towards the end of the early modern period , Emperor Joseph II commissioned the expansion of the 113 km long road, which was carried out between 1775 (or, according to alternative information, 1770) and 1779. The idea behind the new building was to improve Hungarian trade. Josip Filip Vukasović , builder of Luisenstrasse , is also responsible for this street.

Further improvements took place during the period of the French occupation. However, the Luisenstrasse from Karlovac to Rijeka also caused a decline in passenger and freight traffic on the road from 1811. Josip Kajetan Knežić, who built a new road in the section between Josipdol and Senjska between 1833 and 1845, therefore achieved special merits Draga implemented, so that there were no more gradients over six percent. Knežić was previously a cadet in Vukasović's infantry regiment and had already distinguished himself with other road construction projects.

The road was continuously modernized, but was not paved throughout until the late 1970s . Even today, it is an important link between the coast and the hinterland : the national road D23 connects between Senj and Žuta Lokva the coastal road to the motorway A1 . The Kapela pass is bypassed by the A1 through the Mala Kapela tunnel.


In connection with the first connection is the obelisk in Karlovac, which marks the starting point of the road and next to which there is now an additional stone with a zero. The obelisk bears the Latin inscription Iosephinae principium (beginning of Josephina). The end point marks the city gate Velika vrata in Senj, on whose keystone are the words Josephina finis (end of Josephina). Historical fountains, imposing bridges and chapels are also part of the street's equipment. At the imperial spring ( Carskog vrila ) there is a memorial plaque for Knežić, which lists his merits, as well as the Michael's chapel ( kapela sv Mihovila ).

Web links

Commons : Josephina (road)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Vjekoslav Klaić: Krčki knezovi Frankapani. Volume 1. Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb 1901 (facsimile edition. Krčki knezovi Frankapani. Od najstarijih vremena do gubitka otoka Krka. (Od god. 1118 do god. 1480). Izdavački Centar, Rijeka 1991, ISBN 86-7071140-0 ( Biblioteka Fluminensia 3 )).
  2. Marko Špikić: Carski trofeji s tounjskog mosta. Matica hrvatska , 2011, accessed on July 13, 2020 (Croatian, online edition of the article from Vijenac 456, September 8, 2011).
  3. ^ Ignatius Aurelius Fessler: History of Hungary , Volume 5, Leipzig 1883, p. 548.
  4. Constantin von Wurzbach : Vukassovich, Joseph Philipp Freiherr . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 52nd part. Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1885, p. 22 ( digitized version ).
  5. Velebitske povijesne ceste , 2011, accessed on July 13, 2020.
  6. Constantin von Wurzbach : Knežić, Joseph Cajetan . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 12th part. Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing Office, Vienna 1864, p. 150 ( digitized version ).