Jurij Murašov

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Jurij Murašov (* 1952 in Ljubljana ) is a German Slavist .


From 1972 he studied Slavic, German and philosophy at the University of Munich (1981 Magister Artium). From 1978 to 1985 he was a research assistant at the "Institute for Youth Film Television" in Munich . After receiving his doctorate in 1989 in Bielefeld on the subject of the “History of Russian Literary Theory”, he became a research assistant at the Funkkolleg “European Modern Literature” in 1990. From 1992 to 1994 he was a postdoctoral fellow from the German Research Foundation . After his habilitation in 1994 and venia legendi for Slavic Studies / Literary Studies, he was a university lecturer at the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies at Bielefeld University in 1994 . 1994 / 1995–1996 he was the professor for "East Slavic Literatures" at the Slavic Institute of the Humboldt University in Berlin . In 2001 he received the chair for Slavic literatures and general literary studies in Konstanz .

His main research interests are general literary theory and media theory and history of Slavic literatures (especially Russian and South Slavic literatures); Orality and literacy; Literature and technical media of the 20th century (radio, film, television); Investigations into the medialization of the body and the “symbolically generalized media” money, law and love.

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