Tanja Zimmermann

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Tanja Zimmermann (* 1966 in Ljubljana ) is a Slovenian Slavist.


From 1985 to 1991 she completed a master’s degree (with teaching qualification ) in art history and German studies at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana , graduating: 1991 ( master’s thesis : The frescos in the vestibule of Gurk Cathedral in Carinthia, 1339–1341). From September 1992 to May 1996 she completed a doctoral degree in art history at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, doctorate: 1997 ( doctoral thesis : Wall painting of the late 13th and 14th centuries in Slovenia). From 1996 to 2000 she completed a second master's degree in Slavic Philology (Russian, Polish, Serbo-Croatian) and the history of Eastern and Southeastern Europe at the LMU in Munich (Master's thesis: The double as projection. Film poetics in novels - fiction poetics in film. On Despair by Vladimir Nabokov , Tom Stoppard and Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1932–1978)). From October 2000 to October 2003 she completed a second doctoral degree in Slavic Philology at the LMU Munich , doctorate: 2004 (doctoral thesis: Abstraction and realism in the literature and art discourse of the Russian avant-garde). After her habilitation in 2011 at the University of Konstanz , double license to teach in literary studies / Slavic studies and art history ( habilitation thesis : Crossing projections - Russia and the West in the Mirror of the Balkans), she has been teaching since 2014 as a professor of art history with a focus on the art of Eastern and Eastern Central Europe - and Southeastern Europe and their intercultural relations at the University of Leipzig .

Fonts (selection)

  • Abstraction and realism in the literature and art discourse of the Russian avant-garde . Munich 2007, ISBN 3-87690-996-1 .
  • The Balkans between East and West. Media images and cultural-political influences . Cologne 2014, ISBN 3-412-22163-5 .
  • as editor with Aleksandar Jakir: Europe and the Balkans. Decades of "Europeanization"? . Würzburg 2015, ISBN 3-8260-5109-2 .
  • as editor: History and Myth in Comics and Graphic Novels . Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-96234-017-9 .

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