KFNB - Atlas and Vesta

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Technical specifications
design type 1A1 n2
Cylinder Ø 325 mm 342 mm
Piston stroke 461 mm 474 mm
Drive wheel Ø 1673 mm 1739 mm
Impeller Ø at the front 1073 mm 1238 mm
Rear wheel Ø 1113 mm 1106 mm
Fixed wheelbase k. A.
Total wheelbase k. A.
Total wheelbase + tender k. A.
Heating fl. d. Tube 50.6 m² 49.4 m²
Heating fl. d. Fire box 4.2 m² 4.8 m²
Grate 0.90 m²
Vapor pressure 5.7 5.1
Weight (empty) 12.9 t
Adhesion weight k. A.
Service weight 14.0 t
Service weight + tender k. A.
water k. A.
coal k. A.
length k. A.
Length + tender k. A.
height k. A.

The steam locomotives "ATLAS" and "VESTA" were passenger locomotives of the KFNB . They were from the locomotive factory Jones, Turner & Evans 1839 / 1840 delivered and had the axle formula  1A1. Since they corresponded to the English 1A1 design, it can be assumed that they had cylinders located under the smoke chamber and a cranked drive axle.

It can no longer be said with certainty whether the locomotives had the same dimensions when they were delivered, but a few years later (see table) they had different dimensions. In 1841 there were complaints about underperformance. That is probably why modifications were made.

The machines were retired in 1861 .
