Lanza cabinet

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The Lanza cabinet ruled Italy from December 14, 1869 to July 10, 1873. Before that, the cabinet Menabrea III , then the cabinet Minghetti II . The government of Prime Minister Giovanni Lanza was supported in parliament by the so-called "historical right" (destra storica) and by independents.

The Cabinet Lanza eliminated the remaining 1,870 Papal States and made Rome the capital of Italy, with which the agreement has been largely completed. The government tried to defuse the resulting serious conflict with the Pope through the so-called law of guarantees . Inside, Finance Minister Sella resolutely continued the consolidation of public finances.


Giovanni Lanza
Ministries Surname
Prime Minister Giovanni Lanza
Exterior Emilio Visconti-Venosta
Interior Giovanni Lanza
Justice and Church Affairs Matteo Raeli (until February 23, 1871)
Giovanni De Falco (from February 24, 1871)
war Giuseppe Govone (until September 6, 1870)
Cesare Ricotti-Magnani (from September 7, 1870)
marine Stefano Castagnola (until January 14, 1870)
Guglielmo Acton (until August 30, 1871)
Augusto Riboty (from August 31, 1871)
Finances Quintino Sella
Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Stefano Castagnola
Public Works Giuseppe Gadda (until August 30, 1871)
Giuseppe Devincenzi (from August 31, 1871)
education Cesare Correnti (until May 17, 1872)
Quintino Sella (until August 4, 1872)
Antonio Scialoja (from August 5, 1872)

Web links


  • Denis Mack Smith: Modern Italy. A political history. New Haven / London 1997.