Kalanchoe curvula

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Kalanchoe curvula
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Thick-leaf family (Crassulaceae)
Subfamily : Kalanchoideae
Genre : Kalanchoe
Type : Kalanchoe curvula
Scientific name
Kalanchoe curvula

Kalanchoe curvula is a species of the genus Kalanchoe in the family of thick-leaf plants (Crassulaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Kalanchoe curvula is believed to be a perennial , completely bare plant. Their stalk-round, upright shoots are simple. The thick, very fleshy, unpaired pinnate leaves are petiolate. The broad, stem-embracing leaf stalk is 2 to 2.5 centimeters long. The partial leaves stand together in one to three pairs. They are sessile, oblong to lanceolate, 2.2 to 2.7 inches long and 0.8 to 1 inches wide. Its tip is wedge-shaped, blunt, the base is asymmetrically rounded. The leaf margin is notched irregularly. Terminal partial leaves are elliptical, about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide.

Generative characteristics

The inflorescence consists of spherical, multi-flowered panicles and reached a length of 30 to 35 centimeters. The flowers , which point in all directions, are on 5 to 10 millimeter long flower stalks . The pale green chalice is lined with purple. The calyx tube is 7 to 7.5 millimeters long. The triangular, pointed calyx lobes are 2.5 to 3 millimeters long and 3 to 4 millimeters wide. The slightly curved corolla is pink. The cylindrical corolla tube is 22 to 25 millimeters long. Their egg-shaped, somewhat long, pointed, bent-back corolla lobes have a length of 5 to 6 millimeters and are about 4 millimeters wide. The stamens are attached near the base of the corolla tube and protrude slightly from the flower. The lanceolate anthers are 1.2 to 1.5 millimeters long. The rectangular, sanded-out nectar flakes have a length of 1.8 to 2 millimeters and are 0.8 to 1 millimeter wide. The egg-shaped carpel has a length of 5 to 6 millimeters. The stylus is 20 to 22 millimeters long.

Systematics and distribution

Kalanchoe curvula is common in Madagascar .

The first description by Bernard M. Descoings was published in 1997.



  • Bernard Descoings: Kalanchoe curvula . In: Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon. Crassulaceae (thick leaf family) . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3998-7 , pp. 157 .

Individual evidence

  1. Le Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France . Volume 4, 1997, pp. 79-81.