Kalanchoe waldheimii

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Kalanchoe waldheimii
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Thick-leaf family (Crassulaceae)
Subfamily : Kalanchoideae
Genre : Kalanchoe
Type : Kalanchoe waldheimii
Scientific name
Kalanchoe waldheimii
Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier

Kalanchoe waldheimii is a species of the genus Kalanchoe in the thick-leaf family(Crassulaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Kalanchoe waldheimii is a perennial , completely bare plant that reaches heights of up to 40 centimeters and forms clusters with age. Its numerous, simple, upright or somewhat creeping, red-purple shoots are branching from the base. The thick, flat, fleshy, almost sedentary leaves are bluish green and have a few red spots. Your obovate leaf blade is 4 to 11 inches long and 2 to 4.5 inches wide. Their tip is blunt to rounded, the base is narrowed to the winged and very short stem. Sometimes there are small ears. The purple-red leaf margin is notched in the upper third and bears brood buds.

Generative characteristics

The inflorescence carrying brood buds is loosely equilateral. The hanging flowers are on slender, 6 to 17 millimeter long flower stalks . The yellow-green calyx is lined with red-purple, the calyx tube 14 to 16 millimeters long. The triangular, pointed calyx lobes have a length of 5 to 6 millimeters and are about 3.5 millimeters wide. The rose-colored to yellow-green corolla is provided with numerous, red-purple lines. The cylindrical corolla tube is 16 to 21 millimeters long. Their obovate, slightly pointed corolla lobes are about 11 millimeters long and 5 millimeters wide. The stamens are attached below the center of the corolla tube and do not protrude from the flower. The anthers are about 1.5 millimeters long. The semicircular, blunt nectar flakes have a length of about 0.7 millimeters and are 0.8 to 1.2 millimeters wide. The ovate-elongated carpel has a length of 7 to 8 millimeters. The stylus is 17 to 18 millimeters long.

Systematics and distribution

Kalanchoe waldheimii is common in central Madagascar on granitic or quartzitic rocks at heights of 1200 meters.

The first description by Raymond-Hamet and Henri Perrier de La Bâthie was published in 1915.



  • Bernard Descoings: Kalanchoe waldheimii . In: Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon. Crassulaceae (thick leaf family) . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3998-7 , pp. 187 .

Individual evidence

  1. Annales du Musée Colonial de Marseille , 3rd part, Volume 3, 1915, p. 71.

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