Stadelhofen Cantonal School

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Stadelhofen Cantonal School
Cantonal school Stadelhofen.jpg
Stadelhofen Cantonal School
type of school Canton school
founding 1874

Schanzengasse 17
8001 Zurich

place Zurich
Canton Zurich
Country Switzerland
Coordinates 683890  /  246900 coordinates: 47 ° 22 '3 "  N , 8 ° 32' 57"  O ; CH1903:  683890  /  246900
student about 650
management Thomas Tobler

The Kantonsschule Stadelhofen (KST) is a public secondary school in Zurich , with the Matura profiles in ancient language, modern language, music and mathematics and science. The school has existed in its current form since 1975. Around 650 students are taught.


In 1874 the city of Zurich decided to establish a secondary school for girls. From 1913 it was housed in the building of what is now the Hohe Promenade Cantonal School , where today, among other things, the science subjects of the Stadelhofen Cantonal School take place. As the number of pupils at the daughter school continued to rise, several additional buildings were built until the current main building was built in 1963–1966. Since 1975 the school has also been open to male students, which is the foundation of today's school. In recent years, due to the increasing number of students, additional rooms have been rented.


The main building was built by the architect Paul W. Tittel. It is built in steps on a slope; There is an exit on the bottom and top floors. With the help of atria, green areas were integrated into the interior of the school.

Photovoltaic systems for generating solar power are installed in the adjoining building, which houses the cafeteria, gymnasium and classrooms and which is shared with the neighboring Hohe Promenade canton school .

Internal school structure

Like all other Zurich canton schools, the Stadelhofen canton school is subordinate to the Zurich Education Directorate and is managed by a school management composed of representatives of the teaching staff.

The student body has a say in decisions that belong to the scope of the powers of the individual canton schools through the student organization (SO). This consists of the class delegates and the members of the student organization board (SOV).

The student body is represented at teachers' conventions by the SOV, which has three votes. The SOV is also entitled to contact the school management or individual teachers at any time.

Student body

The age of the students at the Stadelhofen Cantonal School is between 13 and 21 years.

The assembly of delegates is the legislature of the student body. It gives rise to applications (petitions) or demands (initiatives) to the student organization board (SOV). For an initiative to be processed by the SOV, however, a majority of the delegates' assembly is required. From each class there is a representative and his / her deputy (called delegate), who are called up by the SOV four times a year to a delegate assembly at which school policy issues are discussed, approved or rejected. The assembly of delegates also elects the SOV.

The SOV is the executive branch of the student body. The number of members of the SOV is not specified, but it should not exceed 12 members. The SOV discusses and processes school policy issues and represents the student body vis-à-vis the school management and teachers. In this function he has three full votes in the teachers' convention.

In addition, the SOV organizes various annual events for the student body, such as the ball night and the ski day. A school festival is organized every four years together with the teaching staff and the school management.

Media library

Even when the girls were at school, books were available for the pupils to borrow. The few hundred books could be borrowed from the racks in the gallery during the long break. This inventory was continuously expanded and recorded in a database in the course of the 1990s. Today, the media library on the second floor of the main building offers a stock of around 22,000 media, divided between the media library, the magazine and the student body libraries.

In addition to a large selection of German fiction, there are works of fiction and corresponding secondary literature in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin and Greek. A rich selection of art volumes of all styles and epochs is used for teaching artistic design and art historical considerations. A wide range of non-fiction, audio books, DVDs, music CDs and magazines in various languages ​​rounds off the inventory. Photo and video cameras, MacBooks, headphones and other devices are also available for loan.

The media library is a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschschweizer Mittelschulmediotheken (ADM) , the Swiss Association of General and Public Libraries SAB and the Library Association Library Information Switzerland (BIS) and participates in projects to promote networking, quality and information literacy.

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