Karl-August Fritsch

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Karl-August Fritsch (born January 20, 1889 in Schwarz, today part of Grebenau (Hesse); † July 17, 1962 in Bergheim ) was a German Protestant clergyman and in 1933 one of the founders of the HUK-Coburg insurance company .


Fritsch was born as the son of a Protestant clergyman in the Hessian town of Schwarz. He became a pastor in 1913. Fritsch was politically active in the right-wing national spectrum. During the Weimar Republic, he was a member of the German National People's Party (DNVP), which advocated the restoration of the monarchy. Shortly after the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists, he joined the NSDAP , of which he remained a member until 1945. He was also a supporter of the German Christians who were loyal to the regime and a member of the Reichsbund Deutsche Familie (RDF) and the "Kampfbund for the wealth of children of the hereditary". In the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) he was Oberscharführer. In 1935 Fritsch was appointed senior pastor .

Despite his far-reaching commitment to National Socialism, Fritsch came into conflict with the state on several occasions because of his work as a pastor for religious issues. In 1941 he was sanctioned by a ban on speaking at cell and block events of the NSDAP and the ban on wearing the NSKK uniform because of his demand to hold confirmation classes in the rooms of the local elementary school .

After Fritsch was only allowed to act provisionally for eight years in the Soviet occupation zone in Vogelsberg, Thuringia , he was elected parish priest in 1953. He spent the last years of his life in his Hessian homeland. Fritsch died on July 17, 1962 in Bergheim.

Fritsch had nine children.

Participation in the founding of HUK-Coburg

Fritsch began driving his own car in 1919, which quickly became a professional requirement for clergymen who had to look after an extensive district. After more and more professional groups in Germany founded motor vehicle associations in the 1920s, among other things in order to be able to insure their cars cheaply, the Pfarrer-Kraftfahrer-Vereinigung eV (PKV) was founded on June 2, 1926 in Greiz, Thuringia, on Fritsch's initiative . Together with Wilhelm Ruß from the Association of German Teachers (KVDL), founded in 1928, and the insurance salesman Paul Brendel , Fritsch ran the establishment of the Liability Assistance Fund for motorists in Germany on September 3, 1933, today's HUK-Coburg . Fritsch was appointed as the first chairman of the supervisory board.


  • Catrin Behlau: Get cheap insurance. 75 years of HUK-COBURG . Geschichtsbüro-Verlag, Cologne 2008, ISBN 978-3-940371-11-9 .

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