Karl Haberland (politician, 1893)

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Karl Haberland (born March 24, 1893 in Barmen ; † April 3, 1978 ) was a German politician and honorary mayor of Solingen .


Karl Haberland was the son of the Social Democratic Reichstag member Karl Haberland sr. Born in the then still independent town of Barmen. Leaving high school after completing secondary school , he joined the SPD at the age of 18 in 1911 . After the First World War , in 1919 he initially worked for the Barmen city administration. From 1927 he found employment with the savings and construction association Solingen , from which he was removed after the National Socialists came to power because of "political unreliability". In 1945 he returned to the service of the housing association as managing director. From 1948 to 1969 Haberland belonged to the SPD parliamentary group in the Solingen city council, which he also chaired for several years. From December 9, 1955 to March 30, 1961, Haberland was the third honorary mayor of Solingen in the post-war period, succeeding Eugen Maurer .

“I am of the opinion that in a truly democratic constitution, governance should be based on the broadest possible basis, ie that large minorities must be taken into account. That is why I will always advocate tolerance in political and ideological terms. "

- Karl Haberland, December 9, 1955


  • 1968: Cross of Merit, 1st class
  • June 22, 1971: Award of the Ring of Honor of the City of Solingen

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gallery of the Lord Mayors, Solingen 2012 ( Memento from August 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 14.0 MB)
  2. Honorary Ring Bearer of the City of Solingen ( Memento from May 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on March 31, 2017

Web links