Gerhard Hebborn

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Gerhard Hebborn (born November 14, 1878 in Bensberg ; † May 24, 1967 ) was a German politician ( CDU ). He was the first elected honorary mayor of Solingen .


Born in Bensberg, who was incorporated into Bergisch Gladbach in 1975 , Gerhard Hebborn held positions in associations, political bodies and provincial and local parliaments from 1910. Since 1910 he worked as a secretary for the Christian Metalworkers' Association in Solingen. As a member of the Center Party , Hebborn became a member of the Solingen City Council from 1919 to 1924 after the First World War , from 1922 to 1924 a member of the Provincial Parliament of the Rhine Province and from 1928 to 1933 of the Prussian State Parliament . A few months after the National Socialists came to power , he was dismissed as trade union secretary in the summer of 1933. With the end of the Second World War , Hebborn was among the founders of the metal union in Solingen and the local CDU, for which he again held a mandate in the Solingen council from 1946 to 1952. As the first elected honorary mayor, he represented the city from November 5, 1946 to November 4, 1948.

“Wherever we look, we encounter bitter misery and misery (...). I see my work as a service to the Solingen population. In doing so, I allow myself to be guided by healthy democratic principles, in that I wish the cooperation of all ideological directions to overcome the need and to rebuild the city of Solingen. "

- Gerhard Hebborn, November 5, 1946


  • 1952: Cross of Merit (Steckkreuz) of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • September 16, 1964 Awarded the Ring of Honor of the City of Solingen

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Individual evidence

  1. Gallery of the Lord Mayors, Solingen 2012 ( Memento from August 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 14.0 MB)
  2. Honorary Ring Bearer of the City of Solingen ( Memento from May 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on March 31, 2017