Karl Joseph Hell

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Karl Joseph Hölle (born February 25, 1871 in Zimmer ob Rottweil , Baden-Württemberg , † December 30, 1946 in Hamburg ) was a German art glazier .


Hölle attended the Royal School of Applied Arts in Munich from 1889 to 1893 , then worked for Georg Hulbe in Hamburg between 1893 and 1900 , the first four years of which must have been an apprenticeship as a draftsman. On August 25, 1899, he took the oath of citizenship in Hamburg and acquired Hamburg citizenship . The move to Karl Engelbrecht's workshop followed in 1900 . He first became an authorized signatory and, after Engelbrecht's death, a partner in the company. The sole proprietorship Karl Hölle was founded in Hamburg in 1907 and, from 1909, the workshop was finally relocated to Altona , Allee 181. He gave up drawing and specialized entirely in artistic glass processing. In later years he advertised the production of glass paintings (lead glazing, glass painting and glass mosaic) and art glazing. From 1915 to 1918 he was a teacher at the State School of Applied Arts in Hamburg - possibly as a "second mainstay" .

Hölle had been married to Minna Maria Dorothea Plege (born August 7, 1876 in Hamburg; † July 6, 1960 in Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel ) since 1898 , with whom he initially lived in Hamburg at Conventstrasse 14, Lindenstrasse 43/47 (from 1902), Lindenstrasse 54 (from 1905) and later lived in Altona at Allee 181 and Allee 191. The couple had a daughter, Käthchen Paula (born June 16, 1901 in Hamburg; † January 29, 1987 in Hamburg; ∞ March 31, 1936 in Altona with Henke). Hell died at the age of 75 in Hamburg-Eppendorf .


Karl Hölle has signed his works - if at all - with “Karl Hölle, Glasmaler, Altona”, “KH” or with a curved “KJH”. Typical features of Hell's stained glass are lead rail frames and the disproportionately / disproportionately depicted hands and feet.

Research by Wolfgang Vacano made it possible to find out about the previously known works by Hölle (lead glazing in the halls and lecture halls in the Hamburg Museum of Ethnology , which was completed in 1912, Hölle's advertising catalog from 1936 and the lead glazing in the stairwell of the Altona museum , which was expanded in 1914 , “The Rantzauschen castles around 1600 ”from 1939–1940) further works by Hölle (e.g. in the town hall in Hamburg-Bergedorf , in the manor house of the Trenthorst estate , Ludwigslust , Schlossstrasse 33 etc.) can be determined. At Lohr there is a directory of all known Höllesche works in the field of artistic glass processing.


  • Wolfgang Vacano: From the Altona craft history - Karl Hölle, glass - painting. Hamburg 2016. PPN: 867180633.
  • Wolfgang Vacano: On the Altonaer craft and work history - Karl Hölle, glass painter. Hamburg 2016. PPN: 869808559.
  • Axel Lohr: The glass painter Karl Joseph Hölle (1871–1946) and the glass windows in the Trenthorst manor. In: Yearbook for the Stormarn district 2019. Großhansdorf 2018, pages 159–171.

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