Karl Kollmann (historian)

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Karl Kollmann (* 1950 in Bischhausen ) is a German historian and in Eschwege he is the head of the city ​​archive there and the Eschweg city museum . As an author and editor , he published numerous papers on regional history .


Karl Kollmann received his doctorate in 1980 in Göttingen at the Georg August University on The " Counts Wigger " and the Counts of Bilstein .

He worked in the archive at Ludwigstein Castle for around ten years . In 1989 he then took over - as a half-time position - as head of the cultural office in Eschwege.

Also in 1989 he took over the management of the Eschwege City Archives as a second half-job, which was initially housed in the building of a former school in the Niederhone district of Eschweg before it moved to the wedding house on the Schulberg . For more than a quarter of a century, Kollmann worked on the inspection and maintenance of around 1200 meters of shelves in the city archive , cataloged around 6000 archive titles on index cards and digitally, which are publicly accessible for science and research, but also for many " local researchers , students [...] pupils ".

When thanking the archivist for the 25th anniversary of service, the mayor of the district town , Alexander Heppe , emphasized "[...] Kollmann's work falls into the exciting phase of the culture of remembrance ". His research and publications, especially on the National Socialist past of Eschweges, are "[...] described in a way that is easy to understand".

For example, Kollmann and his historian colleague York-Egbert König wrote a commemorative book under the title Names and Fates of the Jewish Victims of National Socialism from Eschwege ... , with details on the genealogy and biography of, for example, the journalist and newspaper editor Siegfried Bacharach , who was born in Eschwege Father then also a stumbling block in front of the former Jewish school in Eschwege was laid.

Following an art guide , Karl Kollmann edited the first edition of the Eschwege Lexicon , which, according to its subtitle, is a reference work for the entire Eschweg region.

After his retirement in 2015, Karl Kollmann, who also looks after the city museum, initially took over the management of the archive as an honorary post for another year - just as he had previously worked in numerous organizations. Eschweges Mayor Heppe had announced a public tender for his successor .

Fonts (selection)

  • Karl Kollmann: The "Counts Wigger" and the Counts of Bilstein , in: Wolfgang Metz (ed.): Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte , vol. 118, ed. on behalf of the Gesamtverein der Deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumsvereine, Potsdam: Gesamtverein, (1982), pp. 253-259
  • Karl Kollmann, Karl Leonhäuser: The Evangelical Church Waldkappel (= home, art, history , issue 11), Kassel: Evangelical Press Association, 1980, ISBN 3-920310-59-4
  • Karl Kollmann (arrangement), Thomas Wiegand (ill.): Bischhausen. 3445 Waldkappel 2 , published by the Museumsverein Bischhausen / Wichmannshausen e. V., Waldkappel-Bischhausen: Museumsverein, 1985
  • Karl Kollmann, Erich Hildebrand, Gerhard Seib: The history of the village Hitzerode in the Meissner foreland , ed. from the Historical Society of the Werraland, Eschwege: Historical Society of the Werraland, [1985?], ISBN 3-87816-059-3
  • Karl Kollmann (Red.) Et al. : The Gustav pit in the Bilstein mining district , 1st edition, ed. from the Friends of the Gustav Grube Visitors Mine , Meissner-Abterode: Friends of the Gustav Grube Visitors Mine , 1989
  • York-Egbert König, Karl Kollmann (Ed.): Eschwege. A reader. The city of Eschwege then and now in sagas and stories, memories and reports, letters and poems , Husum: Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996, ISBN 3-88042-750-X
  • Karl Kollmann, Thomas Wiegand (eds.), Frauke Hellwig et al .: Traces of a minority. Jewish cemeteries and synagogues in the Werra-Meissner district , ed. from the Historical Society of Werraland, Kassel: Jenior and Pressler, circa 1996, ISBN 3-928172-93-X
  • Karl Kollmann (Red.) Günter Naujok (Ill.): Günther Schaumberg. Painter, art teacher and palaeontologist from Eschwege. On his 75th birthday on June 28, 1997 , Eschwege: District town of Eschwege, 1997
  • Karl Kollmann: Eschwege. Archive pictures , Erfurt: Sutton, circa 2001, ISBN 3-89702-391-1
  • Karl Kollmann: Eschwege. The 50s and 60s , 1st edition, Horb am Neckar: Geiger, 2004, ISBN 3-89570-943-3
  • York-Egbert König, Karl Kollmann, Erna Ursel Lange: The Altenstein. 1329-2004. 675 years in the Hessian-Eichsfeld border region , 1st edition, publisher: Historical Society of the Werraland and the Association for Eichsfeldische Heimatkunde, Eschwege, Heiligenstadt, [Eschwege, Am Fuchsberg 3]: York-Egbert König, 2004, ISBN 3-929413- 84-1
  • Karl Kollmann, Klaus Liebeskind: Eschwege im Wandel, changes in the cityscape in comparison , 1st edition, Horb am Neckar: Geiger, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86595-256-1
  • Martin Arnold, Karl Kollmann (ed.): Everyday life of reformed church leadership. The service diary of the Eschweg superintendent Johannes Hütterodt (1599–1672) (= publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse , series Kleine Schriften , vol. 10), Marburg: Elwert, 2009, ISBN 978-3-7708-1328-5 and ISBN 978- 3-86354-134-7 ;
    • Part 1: Everyday life of the Reformed church leadership , table of contents
    • Part 2: The service diary of the Eschweg superintendent Johannes Hütterodt , enclosed as CD-ROM
  • Stefan Forbert (Red.), Karl Kollmann: Frau Holle and the Meißnerland. On the trail of a myth , reprint of the essay series of the same name from the Werratalverein magazine Das Werraland , 2nd, extended edition, ed. from the Historical Society of the Werraland and the Werratalverein in Eschwege (WTV), Heiligenstadt: Cordier, 2012, ISBN 978-3-939848-32-5 ; Table of contents and information from the publisher's report
  • Karl Kollmann: Jewish Eschwege. Invitation to a tour , ed. from the history association Eschwege, Haigerloch: Medien und Dialog, Schubert, 2007, ISBN 978-3-933231-33-8 and ISBN 3-933231-33-7
  • York-Egbert König, Karl Kollmann (ed.): Bad Sooden-Allendorf. A reader. The town of Bad Sooden-Allendorf then and now in sagas and stories, memories and reports, letters and poems , Husum: Husum-Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89876-212-0 and ISBN 3-89876-212-2
  • Karl Kollmann, York-Egbert König (ed.): Eschwege. A city guide on the history of art and culture , 3rd, updated and expanded edition, ed. in collaboration with the Eschwege History Association, Kassel: Jenior, 2009, ISBN 978-3-928172-33-2 ; contents
  • Herbert Fritsche (ed.), Karl Kollmann (edit.): Eschwege-Lexikon. The reference work for the Eschweg region , 1st edition, Eschwege: Historische Gesellschaft des Werralandes, 2015, ISBN 978-3-00-049311-9

Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the information and cross-references under the GND number of the German National Library (DNB)
  2. Compare the information from the DNB
  3. a b c Harald Sagawe: [ One kilometer of history / Dr. Karl Kollmann has headed the Eschweg City Archive for 25 years ] on the Werra-Rundschau website from October 16, 2014
  4. a b c N.N. : It's not over yet / Kollmann is head of the city archive and city museum for another year on the Werra-Rundschau website from October 20, 2015
  5. Karl Kollmann, York-Egbert König: Bacharach , in: Names and Fates of the Jewish Victims ... (see in the Scriptures section ) , passim , especially p. 12; online through google books .