Karl Lucke

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Karl Lucke (born September 11, 1889 in Potsdam , † 1945 ) was a German political functionary and SA leader, most recently with the rank of SA group leader . Among other things, he was a member of the Baden state parliament and leader of the SA group Mittelrhein during the Second World War .

Live and act

Lucke was the son of a machinist. After attending elementary school , in 1903 he found a job as a rider in the imperial stables in Berlin . He then joined the Prussian Army in 1906 as a professional soldier . In this he belonged to the Badischer Dragoon Regiment No. 20 . With another dragoon regiment he took part in the First World War from 1914 to 1918 , only to be adopted in October 1919 with the rank of deputy officer.

In the Weimar Republic , Lucke worked as an administrative clerk (or civil servant?) At the Baden State Insurance Company . In this capacity he rose to the position of administrative inspector.

After the First World War , Lucke quickly turned to the political right : In 1921 he joined the Freikorps Damm , a local military association in Baden that emerged from the resident services and to which he was to belong until it was dissolved in 1928. In 1930 Lucke joined the NSDAP . For this, he initially took on tasks as an advisor to the Baden district administration for questions from members of the public administration. Since 1931 he was also a member of the NSDAP's street combat group, the Sturmabteilung (SA). In 1933 Lucke was elected as a member of the NSDAP in the last Baden state parliament before the forced dissolution of this body by the National Socialists. He was also a member of the Darmstadt City Council .

Lucke gave up his post as a civil servant in 1934 to become a full-time SA leader. After he had already taken over the leadership of an SA standard in 1932, he was entrusted with the command of a brigade for the first time in 1934. He then led various brigades until 1942, such as SA Brigade 50 in Starkenburg from 1938 to 1942, with its headquarters in Darmstadt. In this position he was involved in the organization of the destruction of thirty-five synagogues in southern Hesse by members of the SA on the night of November 9-10, 1938 by sending a corresponding order from the SA group leadership in Mannheim to the leaders of the SA standards 115 (Darmstadt), 145 (Bergstrasse), 168 (Offenbach), 186 (Odenwald and Dieburg) and 221 (Groß-Gerau) and instructed them accordingly.

From 1939 he also held the post of deputy leader of the SA group Kurpfalz . Lucke reached the formal high point of his SA career in 1942, when he was appointed leader of the SA group Mittelrhein and (presumably at the same time) was promoted to the rank of SA group leader.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of the list of members of the Baden state parliament ( memento from December 9, 2012 in the web archive archive.today ) at BIOWEIL.
  2. ^ Report on the destruction of the synagogues in southern Hesse by the SA, November 11, 1938. Contemporary history in Hesse. (As of July 3, 2012). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).