Karl Rixkens

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Karl Rixkens , also Carl Rixkens (born June 28, 1881 in Süchteln , † December 24, 1938 in Düsseldorf ), was a German portrait painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Rixkens studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy , where Eduard Gebhardt was his most important teacher. Then he went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich . Travels took him to England, Holland and Italy. Rixkens was active in Düsseldorf, primarily as a portrait painter for the Rhenish bourgeoisie and the nobility. There he was also a member of the artists' association Malkasten .

Works (selection)

Newspaper reader
  • Eduard von Gebhardt as an artist , oil on canvas, 1906, Museum Kunstpalast
  • Mrs. S. , portrait drawing, 1928
  • Mistake behind St. Clemens, Süchteln , chalk drawing, 1936
  • Newspaper reader , oil on panel
  • Attorney K. , portrait
  • Self-portrait , Süchtelner Heimatmuseum


  • A. Gotzes: Karl Rixkens . In: The Christian Art . Monthly for all areas of Christian art and art history . Volume 18, Munich 1922, Sp. 194–196 ( digitized version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fritz Eisheuer: Karl Rixkens (1881-1938) , the portal website heimatverein-viersen.de , 1988 ( PDF ) called, on January 14, 2016
  2. Inventory list , website in the malkasten.org portal , accessed on January 14, 2016
  3. ^ Eduard von Gebhardt as an artist , object data sheet in the duesseldorf.de portal , accessed on January 14, 2016
  4. See title page of the magazine Jugend , issue No. 24, Munich 1938 ( digitized version )