Charles III (Navarre)

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Charles III

Charles III called the noble one (le Noble) (* 1361 in Mantes-la-Jolie , France , † September 8, 1425 in Olite ) was King of Navarre , Duke of Nemours and Count of Évreux .


He was the son of King Charles II of Evil and Joan of France, daughter of King John II.

On May 27, 1375 he married Eleanor of Castile (around 1363-1415 / 16), daughter of King Henry of Trastamara. On the occasion of his wedding, he received the dignity of Beaumont-le-Roger , but he was held at the French court and the county through him the military intervention of Bertrand du Guesclin withdrawn.

When his father died in 1387, he inherited his title and lands.

In 1404 he finally renounced the Counties of Évreux and Beaumont (which went to the Crown) and his claims to Champagne and Brie by means of a treaty, in return he received the County of Nemours, which had been raised to a duchy and a pairie, and a pension of 12,000 livres and one Severance payment of 20,000 écu .

In 1423 he united the various warring parishes to form the city of Pamplona , in whose cathedral he is buried with his wife. His tomb (erected 1413-1419) is considered a masterpiece of the Gothic.


He and his wife Eleonore had eight children:

  • Johanna (* 1382, † July 1413), wife of Count Johann I von Foix since 1402
  • Maria (* around 1383, † January 6, 1406), died unmarried and childless
  • Blanka (* around 1385/87, † April 3, 1441), wife of King Martin I of Sicily since 1402 , wife of John II of Aragon since 1419 , Queen of Navarre since 1425
  • Beatrix (* around 1386, † around 1410/12), wife of Jacques II. De Bourbon, comte de La Marche since 1406
  • Isabella (* around 1396, † 1435/50), wife of Jean IV of Armagnac since 1419
  • Karl (born August 15, 1397, † August 12, 1402), Prince of Viana
  • Ludwig (* around 1401/02, † October 14, 1402), Prince of Viana
  • Margarete (* around 1403, † before 1412)


Web links

Commons : Charles III.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. See Robert-Henri Bautier : Beaumont-le-Roger . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 1, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1980, ISBN 3-7608-8901-8 , Sp. 1758–1761.
  2. Navarre, Medieval Lands .
predecessor Office successor
Charles II King of Navarre
Charles II Count of Évreux
Domaine royal
Charles II Count of Mortain
Domaine royal Duke of Nemours
Éléonore de Bourbon