Karoline Christine Böhler

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The Weimar Court Theater around 1800

Karoline Christine Böhler , married Christine Genast (born January 31, 1800 in Kassel , † April 15, 1860 in Weimar ) was a German singer, actress and pianist.

Live and act

Karoline Christine Böhler was born as the eldest daughter of Wilhelm Böhler in Kassel. Her father was a lawyer in Mannheim , who was persuaded to act there by the well-known August Wilhelm Iffland and from then on acquired a certain reputation in Frankfurt am Main as an actor in fine comic, but also character roles.

Karoline Christine Böhler received a good upbringing in her childhood. In 1815 she made her debut as a piano player in Frankfurt. Her father's early death prompted her to accept an engagement at the Estates Theater in Prague in 1816 . Together with their younger sister Doris , who later married Gustav Emil Devrient , they came to the Stadttheater in Leipzig in 1818 , which was then under the direction of Karl Theodor von Küstner . There she met Eduard Franz Genast , who had also met, and married him on May 14, 1820. With him she had four daughters and a son. In 1829 both got a lifetime engagement at the Weimar court theater.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was dear to her and valued her as an artist. While still in Leipzig he dedicated the following poem to her on January 31, 1822:

“I faithfully wish you the
best that can be wished for at your party ;
But I wish to see
you in your splendor as my wreath;
Yourselves in action, words, looks,
me and friends to delight "

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Karl Theodor von Küstner also immortalized them in his “Review” . She enjoyed the highest reputation in the fine comedy and in roles such as Donna Dianna, Minna von Barnhelm etc. but also in those of the mourning and drama, the more intimacy than passion, an inner dignified, sovereign charisma than an outward violent vehemence and effort of strength required. This subject included the princess in “Elise Valberg” , the queen in Don Carlos , the princess in Tasso , Walburgh, Cordelia, Maria Stuart, etc. In all of these roles she showed herself in such a sovereign and respectable dignity coupled with so much intelligence and delicacy that they were among the most excellent of their kind.


  • Moritz Fürstenau:  Genast, Eduard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 8, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1878, pp. 560-562. (Side entry: Karoline Christine with her husband Eduard)
  • Ludwig Eisenberg : Large biographical lexicon of the German stage in the XIX. Century . Verlag von Paul List , Leipzig 1903, p. 314, ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Fritz Kühnlenz: The actor - EG In: ders .: Weimar portraits . 4th Edition, 1970, pp. 387-404.
  • Friedemann Krusche: Theater in Magdeburg . Volume I, 1994, pp. 117f.


  1. Other sources mention the year 1798 (Eisenberg) or February 20, 1804 (the birthday of her sister Doris)