Kaspar Zillesius

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Johann Kaspar Zillesius (born April 5, 1635 in Wolf an der Mosel , † November 17, 1686 in Traben-Trarbach ) was a German lawyer.


His stepfather, the former Pfalz-Birkenfeld valet Johann Ruprecht Kröber, mayor in Wolf since 1637, sent Zillesius to the grammar school in Trarbach. He then studied in Strasbourg and Tübingen until 1659 . As a licentiate of the rights he became in 1661 the Council under Duke Georg Wilhelm of Birkenfeld , 1665 Clerk of the Court, that government executive in Birkenfeld . After the government chancellery was dissolved in 1672, Zillesius became a councilor and permanent representative of Duke Christian II von Birkenfeld in the Traben-Trarbach government, which was jointly occupied with the Margraviate of Baden .


In 1664 Zillesius wrote a - unreliable - Genealogia Sponhemica ( printed in 1835 by Christian von Stramberg ), which has been handed down in several manuscripts , a pamphlet on the church disputes in the Hinteren Grafschaft Sponheim (1671) and several printed legal works in Latin.

For Winfried Dotzauer he was "perhaps the most important, certainly the best-known, representative of Hintersponheim scholarship".


Zillesius was of rural descent: the son of Markus Zilles (1599–1635) and Maria Ludwig, both Protestant-Lutheran. A brother of his grandfather was the founder of a study foundation, the Oberamtmann of St. Maximin in Trier, Nikolaus Zillesius. Since Kaspar Zillesius was a Protestant, he did not benefit from the foundation.

Kaspar Zillesius married on November 21, 1665 Elisabeth Juliana Molitor from Enkirch , daughter of the Palatinate-Birkenfeld councilor Peter Molitor, who was widowed on January 7, 1688 in Trarbach, the Palatinate-Zweibrückischen council Karl Ludwig Ehrentraut. She died on April 9, 1713 at the age of 64. Zillesius's marriage remained childless.

A take plate with the coat of arms of Zillesius (three wolf fishing rods) is still present.


A funeral oration for Caspar Zillesius printed in Frankfurt am Main in 1687 cannot be documented in the bibliography.

  • Johannes Kumor: The Palatinate Councilor Johann Kaspar Zillesius (1635-1687) . In: Heimat-Jahrbuch for the district of Zell 9 (1966), pp. 40–41
  • Klaus Eberhard Wild. In: Short biographies from the Middle Rhine and Moselle region . Trier 1971, p. 252

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Individual evidence

  1. Tradition by Klaus Graf : On the tradition of the "Genealogia Sponhemica" (1664) by Kaspar Zillesius . In: Archivalia of August 28, 2014 .
  2. Manuscripts in the General State Archive Karlsruhe 65/649 and State Main Archive Koblenz, Order 33 No. 4076.
  3. Winfried Dotzauer: History of the Nahe-Hunsrück area from the beginnings to the French Revolution . Stuttgart 2001, p. 354.
  4. http://www.enkirch.de/tourismus-und-kultur/geschichte/weinhoefe/oberersponheimerhof/