Catholic German Association of Colored Student Corporations

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Member associations of the KDV with coat of arms

The KDV ( Catholic German Association of Colored Student Corporations ) is a corporation association of today seven associations in Germany, which was founded in 1891. Between 1909 and 1912 all connections of the KDV, which was also called "small CV ", also entered the "large CV ". The formerly independent association became an unofficial, but internally and externally closed subdivision of the CV , whereby the KDV still highly values ​​its internal sovereignty.


The KDV was founded on April 7, 1891 in Mönchengladbach as a cartel association of Catholic German student corporations and existed until 1911. Since 1905 it has been called the Catholic German Association of Colored Student Corporations (KDV).

The motto of the KDV was deo et patriae (For God and Fatherland), its association colors were black-white-red. The body of the KDV was called Universitas .

After there had been efforts since 1902 for a merger with the Cartell Association of Catholic German Student Associations (CV), which had existed since 1856 , the member associations of the KDV joined the CV in the years 1910 to 1912. Due to youth problems, Arminia resigned as the first association from the KDV on December 1, 1909, changed to the Catholic German Student Association and joined the Cartell Association on August 20, 1910. The other connections of the KDV successively followed the example of Arminia from 1911 to 1912. Since he had only given up his singularity principle in 1899 , according to which there could only be one CV connection at each university location, the CV up to this point in time could not join similarly oriented, but later established connections. Because of the largely identical corporate orientation, the KDV was sometimes also called Kleiner CV .

The KDV founding connections Novesia Bonn and Sauerlandia Münster entered into a cartel relationship based on the principles of religio (Catholicism), scientia (science) and amicitia (friendship) and included the rejection of the student duel . Later seven more associations were added, most of which were founded out of the association. The KDV consisted of:

Charged by the KDV in
Würzburg in 1908
  • KDStV Sauerlandia Münster (1847), 1891 in the KDV, 1911 in the CV
  • KDStV Novesia Bonn (1863), 1891 in the KDV, 1911 in the CV
  • KDStV Cheruscia Würzburg (1893), 1893 in the KDV, 1912 in the CV
  • KDStV Arminia Freiburg im Breisgau (1874), 1897 in the KDV, 1910 in the CV
  • KDStV Bavaria Berlin (1898), 1898 in the KDV, 1911 in the CV
  • KDStV Tuiskonia Munich (1900), 1900 in the KDV, 1911 in the CV
  • VKDSt Erwinia Strasbourg (1905), later renamed VKDSt Eckart Cologne, 1905 in the KDV, 1911 in the CV, 1977 merged with KDStV Rappoltstein (Strasbourg) Cologne
  • KDStV Palatia Marburg (1907), 1907 in the KDV, 1911 in the CV
  • IAV Unitas Freiburg im Üechtland (1895), 1898 renamed KDStV Rhenania Freiburg im Üechtland, 1901 merger with Markomannia Freiburg im Üechtland and renaming to KDStV Germania Freiburg im Üechtland, 1907 reconstitution in Heidelberg as Badeno-Borussia, 1908 merger of the former rulers with Palatia Marburg , 1897 in the KDV

Today the seven remaining connections of the former KDV form a traditional community within the CV. The highlight is the annual KDV meeting in the winter semester.


  • Society for Student History and Student Customs V. (Ed.): CV manual. 2nd edition, Regensburg, 2000, ISBN 3922485111 .
  • Paulgerhard Gladen : History of the student corporation associations. Volume 2: The non-striking associations. Würzburg 1985, pp. 174-175.
  • Christoph nicht, Wolfgang Weiß, Ronald Ziegler: 100 years of the Catholic German Student Union Cheruscia Würzburg. , Würzburg, 1993.
  • Siegfried Schieweck-Mauk: Lexicon of CV and ÖCV connections, community for German student history. Würzburg, 1997, ISBN 3894980400 .
  • Peter Stitz: The academic culture struggle for the raison d'être of Catholic student corporations in Germany and Austria from 1903 to 1908. Society for CV History, Munich, 1960.
  • Peter Stitz: The CV 1919 - 1938: the university policy path of the Cartell Association of Catholic German Student Associations (CV) from the end of World War I to the destruction by National Socialism. Society for CV History, Munich, 1970.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ KDStV Bavaria Berlin in the CV and KDV , history of the KDV.