Kathrin Groß-Striffler

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Kathrin Groß-Striffler at the Erlanger Poetenfest 2017

Kathrin Groß-Striffler (* 1955 in Würzburg ) is a German writer who, in addition to the literary prize of the university town of Marburg and the Marburg-Biedenkopf district, also received the Alfred Döblin Prize .


After graduating from high school in 1974, Kathrin Groß-Striffler began studying English and Romance languages at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg , the University of Nantes and the University of Virginia . She then spent three years abroad, working for a year and a half as manager of a horse farm in the USA . After her return to Germany, she passed the first and second state exams and after her legal clerkship worked for a year as a teacher at a high school in Bavaria . Since 1998 she has published her first literary works in anthologies and literary magazines such as Wandler - Zeitschrift für Literatur . In 2017, Groß-Striffler became a member of the PEN Center Germany .

In 2000 she was awarded the literature prize of the university town of Marburg and the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf for her volume of stories Unterholz . In 2003 she was honored with the Alfred Döblin Prize for her novel Die Hütte , published in 2003. In 2006 she received an author's grant from the Thuringia Cultural Foundation .

more publishments

Her other publications include:

Web links

Commons : Kathrin Groß-Striffler  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Helen's ride . In: Wandler magazine for literature No 27