Katrin Väli

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Katrin Väli (real name since 1984 Katrin Hallas , born April 11, 1956 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian poet .


Katrin Väli was born as the daughter of the children's book author Heino Väli and the translator Silvi Väli . She completed her school education in Tallinn and published her first poem in the youth magazine Noorus . In 1974 she graduated from high school and then worked for a publishing house for a few years. From 1978 to 1984 she studied at the Maxim Gorki Literature Institute in Moscow like the Estonian authors Henn-Kaarel Hellat , Heino Kiik , Jaan Kruusvall and Mats Traat before her . After that she worked as an Estonian teacher for a few years. Since 1995 she has been editor of the weekly paper Eesti Ekspress .

Väli has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 2006 . The poet Kirsti Oidekivi is her sister.

Literary work

Väli made her debut in the same year as the now very well-known Doris Kareva and Ene Mihkelson , with whom she has therefore occasionally been compared. Ene Mihkelson herself, in a joint review of Kareva's and Väli's debut, described her poetry as “more inward-looking. It's an internal war ... [...], the environment is something that you have to adapt to. ”In fact, decades later it was still said that after the“ poetry explosion ”of the 1960s with the poets mentioned, to which occasionally even Katre Ligi is expected, the "voice of a new generation [came] into the seal, which is mainly characterized by a certain resignation." However, the seal of Väli is not necessarily to be described as pessimistic, rather than sober, although it has sometimes been called harshly: "The look with which Katrin Väli looks at herself is cruel, downright uncomfortably sincere." There are also points of contact with the contemplative poetry of a Tõnu Õnnepalu, for example .

Katrin Väli has also translated from Russian, for example poetry by the Russian-speaking poets PI Filimonov and Igor Kotjuh, who live in Estonia .

Poetry collections

  • Eluase ('residence'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1978. 50 pp.
  • Vahemaad ('distances'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1982. 69 pp.
  • Risttee ('crossing'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1988. 92 pp.
  • Uneskõndija ('sleepwalker'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1990. 110 pp.
  • Vesikiri ('water script '). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1991. 67 pp.
  • Lained ja Punktid ('waves and dots'). Tallinn: FC Boheem 1996. 74 pp.
  • Taim kasvab kell käib ('plant grows clock is ticking'). Trt: Elmatar 1999. 48 p.
  • Ilmad ('Weather'). Tallinn: Tuum 2002. 62 pp.
  • Neli ('four'). Tallinn: Verb 2007. 69 pp.
  • ktrn ('Ktrn'). Tallinn: Kite 2013. 66 pp.


  • Ene Mihkelson : Kuid mis on nooruse aeg ?, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 12/1978, pp. 748-749.
  • Andres Ehin : Mängu alused on olemas, aga maagiat on vüche, in: Looming 1/1997, pp. 126–127.
  • Anneli Mihkelev: Kaose tuhandehäälne kutse, in: Sirp September 10, 1999, p. 7.
  • Timo Maran : Puhtamaks sõnade koses, in: Looming 10/2002, pp. 1584–1586.
  • Eeva Park : Kärbsed ja inimesed, in: Looming 6/2008, pp. 951–953.
  • Rebekka Lotman: Piiritlemata Väli, in: Looming 7/2013, pp. 1024-1027.
  • Evelin Arust: Luuletaja luuleväljal, in: Vikerkaar 10–11 / 2013, pp. 166–168.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 686-687.
  2. Ene Mihkelson: Kuid mis on nooruse aeg ?, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 12/1978, p. 748.
  3. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, p. 624.
  4. Rebekka Lotman: Piiritlemata Väli, in: Looming 7/2013, p. 1024.
  5. Eeva Park: Kärbsed yes inimesed in: Looming 6/2008, S. 952nd
  6. Timo Maran: Puhtamaks sõnade koses, in: Looming 10/2002, p. 1585.