Kazimieras Venclauskis

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Kazimieras Venclauskis
Identity card of the member of the Seimas
Grave in the Šiauliai cemetery

Kazimieras Venclauskis (born February 27, 1880 in Juodeikiai , Plungė County, Telšiai District , Russian Empire ; † February 24, 1940 in Šiauliai , Lithuania ) was a Lithuanian lawyer and politician.


Kazimieras Venclauskis attended the primary school in Lieplaukė and from 1896 the Progymnasium Palanga . In 1898 he passed the matriculation examination at the German grammar school in Libau in Kurland . From 1898 he studied technology in Saint Petersburg and medicine at the University of Warsaw (in Poland ). In 1903 he completed his law studies at the University of Dorpat .

From 1903 he worked as a candidate at the Riga court , from 1905 as an investigator in the civil department of the Riga court, and in 1907 in Arensburg. From 1908 he worked as a lawyer in Šiauliai.

In 1911 he became a member of the Šiauliai City Duma. From 1918 to 1919 he was mayor of Šiauliai. After that he became a member of the Seima .


Kazimieras Venclauskis was married to the actress Stanislava Jakševičiūtė-Venclauskienė . The couple had two daughters, Gražbylė and Danuta . His wife took care of more than a hundred orphans and homeless children. During the Nazi occupation of Lithuania, his wife and daughters saved the lives of Jewish men, women and children. All three were named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1995 .


in order of appearance

  • Venclauskis Kazimieras: Lietuvių enciklopedija . Boston 1965, Vol. 32, p. 343.
  • Leonas Peleckis: Namuose ant Pasadnos ulyčios. Biografinė apybraiža . Valstybinis Leidybos centras, Vilnius 1991.
  • Kazimieras Venclauskis . Sudarytoja Irena Nekrašienė. Šiaulių Aušros muziejus , Šiauliai 2000, ISBN 9986-766-14-1 .
  • Juozas Olekas: Venclauskis Kazimieras . In: Lietuvos Steigiamojo Seimo (1920–1922 metų) narių biografinis žodynas , sud. A. Ragauskas, M. Tamošaitis. Vilniaus Pedagoginio Universiteto Leidykla, Vilnius 2006, ISBN 978-9955-20-146-5 , pp. 425-428.
  • Juozas Olekas: Venclauskis Kazimieras . In: Lietuvos Respublikos Seimų I (1922–1923), II (1923–1926), III (1926–1927), IV (1936–1940) narių biografinis žodynas , sud. Aivas Ragauskas, Mindaugas Tamošaitis. Vilniaus Pedagoginio Universiteto Leidykla, Vilnius 2007, ISBN 978-9955-20-345-2 , p. 551.
  • Leonas Peleckis-Kaktavičius: Namuose ant Pasadnos ulyčios: dar po dvidešimties metų. Memuarinė eseistika . Aušros muziejaus Leidykla, Šiauliai, 2009, ISBN 978-9986-766-49-0 .


  1. Biography
  2. Žydrūnas Mačiukas. Steigiamojo Seimo atstovai. Seimas