Keith Edward Abbot

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Keith Edward Abbot (d. 1873 in Odessa ) was a British diplomat . From 1841 he was British consul in various cities in the Orient, including Tehran , Tabriz, and from 1868 in Odessa. He traveled from Tehran to Persia in 1849-50 and “touched” (Friedrich Embacher) the cities of Isfahan , Yazd , Kerman , Shiraz , Baghdad , Kermanshah and Hamadan, among others . His reports appeared in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London .


  • Abbas Amanat (Ed.): Cities and Trade: Consul Abbot on the Economy and Society of Iran 1847-1866. London 1983.

References and footnotes

  1. ^ Friedrich Embacher: Lexicon of journeys and discoveries: in two sections: 1. The explorers of all times and countries. 2. History of the discovery of the individual continents. Leipzig: Bibliogr. Inst., 1882, p. 1 ( digitized version ).