Kenmetiu (Kenmeti)

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Kenmetiu in hieroglyphics
New kingdom
T34 G17 G4 G7

Those belonging to darkness

Kenmetiu are documented as ancient Egyptian city ​​deities ( Netjeru nu niut ) of the Kenmet places only in a few papyri of the New Kingdom and the late period.


In parallel to the local city deities Kenmetiu, the eponymous Kenmetiu - baboon deities existed in Egyptian mythology , but their functions differ from the city deities.


The deity Kenmeti also led the epithet of the Kenmetiu temple deities from the 17th Upper Egyptian Anubis Gau . Archaeological investigations have so far been able to identify the Dachla oasis and the Heliopolis solar sanctuary as possible regions as places of Kenmet .

Mythological aspects

In the few special descriptions of the Kenmetiu, these appear as recipients of sacrifices who are supplied with bread. In addition, the Kenmetiu are mentioned in various sacrificial rituals by the reciting priest.

Whether there are mythological connections to the Kenmet bird remains open due to a lack of written evidence.

See also
