Pine boletus

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Pine boletus
Boletus pinophilus cropped.jpg

Pine boletus ( Boletus pinophilus )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subordination : Boletineae
Family : Boletaceae (Boletaceae)
Subfamily : Boletoideae
Genre : Ceps ( Boletus )
Type : Pine boletus
Scientific name
Boletus pinophilus
Pilat & Dermek

The pine or red-capped boletus ( Boletus pinophilus ) is a mushroom from the genus Dickröhrlinge .


The pine boletus has a red-brown hat with a wrinkled surface structure when young.

The pine-boletus forms large fruiting bodies with a hat diameter of 8–25, in exceptional cases up to 30 cm and stems 4–12 cm long and 2–6 cm thick. The hat is hemispherical to cushion-shaped and, even in the case of old specimens, usually remains strongly curved, its color ranges from dark brown-red to purple-red, the edge zone is smooth and wavy-wrinkled, rarely white. The tubes are initially white and quickly turn yellow as they ripen and later green-yellow. The thick, bulbous stem is nut to reddish brown, longitudinally fibrous, the fine mesh covering the stem is whitish at the tip of the stem, below it is light brownish. The flesh is white, occasionally wine-red under the top of the hat, does not discolour when broken or when cut and has no particular odor.


Pine forests on poor and acidic to neutral soils are a typical habitat of the pine and boletus.

Like all species of the genus Boletus, the pine boletus is a mycorrhizal mushroom. As a rule, it is associated with pine trees , and finds are very rarely reported under spruce trees . It colonizes pine forests or forests in which pine trees are interspersed; it needs nutrient-poor, acidic to neutral, sandy, dry to moderately fresh soils. Even if individual specimens can be found relatively early in the year (from June), the main fructification time is in early autumn.


The pine boletus is distributed from Mediterranean to boreal areas and is found in Europe, Siberia and North America, the species was introduced in Mexico. It is unclear whether the finds from North Africa belong to a related species. In Europe, the species is distributed from the south to Finland, the main distribution areas are in the south.

Conservation aspects

As a type of pine forest, the pine boletus is apparently not threatened at the moment, although it only occurs in scattered areas, and the entry of nitrogen compounds into the forests can potentially endanger the species. Like all members of the Dickröhrlinge genus, the species is under nature protection in Germany and may only be collected in small quantities for personal use.


The pine boletus is a popular edible mushroom.



Individual evidence

  1. Ewald Gerhardt: FSVO manual mushrooms . 3. Edition. BLV, Munich 2002, ISBN 978-3-405-14737-2 , p. 361 (639 pages; one-volume new edition of the BLV intensive guide mushrooms 1 and 2).

Web links

Commons : Pine boletus ( Boletus pinophilus )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files