Killzone 2

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Killzone 2
Studio NetherlandsNetherlands Guerrilla Games
Publisher JapanJapan Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
GermanyGermanyFebruary 25, 2009 February 27, 2009
United StatesUnited States
platform PlayStation 3
Game engine Deferred rendering engine
genre Ego shooter
Game mode Single and multiplayer
control Gamepad
medium Blu-ray disc
language Changeable for all versions
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+

Killzone 2 is a science fiction - first person shooter , developed by Guerrilla Games and distributed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe . After Killzone (PlayStation 2) and Killzone: Liberation (PlayStation Portable), it is the third game in the series and is distributed exclusively for the PlayStation 3 . The game was announced at E3 2005, and the first glimpses of the gameplay were given two years later at the same fair. The game was released in Germany on February 25, 2009. The Metascore of Killzone 2 is 91 out of 100 achievable points.


The player takes on the role of one of the invaders who attack the main planet "Helghan" this time after the military resources of the Helghast are allegedly weakened by the attack on one of the earth colonies called "Vektora". The main goal of the undertaking is to arrest the notorious Helghast leader "Scolar Visari". The Marines believe they have an easy time of it and the invasion would not last longer than a month (quote from the protagonist in the intro "In a month they said"). But the Helghast are stronger than expected. An army of soldiers and war machines, which is still extremely motivated due to the propaganda, and the dangerous weather conditions to which the Helghast have adapted, make the undertaking more than difficult. After the invasion fleet with the command center over Helghan is finally destroyed, the attackers have no choice but to neutralize the leader of the Helghast as quickly as possible. So the few survivors get together and in the last act start an attack on the palace of Helghast, in which the dictator Visari has holed up. After he was shot dead by one of the team members during an emotional discussion with the protagonist, the Helghast fleets appear in the final scene above the palace and one can conclude that the real battle has only just begun. After Visari's last words ("The Madness begins"), the protagonist (almost desperate) sits down on a staircase while the rest of the team prepares for an overpowering opponent.


The multiplayer mode of Killzone 2 got very good reviews. Here the player is on the side of the people or Helghast and fights each other on different maps. In addition to the classic (team) deathmatch, there are also mission objectives to be mastered within a multiplayer battle. Be it switching off a random player from the other faction, blowing up strategically important objects or collecting propaganda equipment. While one faction is defender and one attacker when eliminating a player and when blowing up, both factions have to fight around loudspeakers when collecting them and bring them to different points on the map.

By completing missions and killing opposing players, you receive experience points that lead you to rise in ranks, for example to unlock weapons and character classes. If you are just the standard soldier with a rifle at the beginning, you can, for example, play the sniper with the ability to be invisible, which increases motivation. The implemented ranking system is set higher from rank to rank in order to ensure long-term fun.

An important reason for the many positive reviews are the tournament and clan challenges that are unique on the PlayStation 3. As in many games, it is also possible to create clans, wear clantags and invite players. But with one big difference, which makes Killzone 2 unique. There is a real clan system in which clans can compete in the form of tournaments with up to 64 clans and 32 players or in challenges. The stake is the currency "Valoren" (courage points), which you can double if you are lucky enough to win a tournament. Thus one continues to rise in the international clan ranking. Furthermore, it is possible for the clan leader to appoint officers in the game who will support him in player and tournament planning. This new type of clan system received a lot of support from all countries around the world.


The majority of the weapon arsenal consists of realistic weapons such as flamethrowers, grenade launchers and machine guns, but there are also futuristic weapons such as the Helghast's electric launchers. You also have the opportunity to attack with a knife in close combat.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Killzone 2 at Metacritic (English)
  2. ( Memento of July 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive )