Killzone 3

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Killzone 3
Killzone 3 logo.jpeg
Studio NetherlandsNetherlands Guerrilla Games
Publisher JapanJapan Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
United StatesUnited StatesFebruary 22, 2011 February 24, 2011 February 25, 2011
European UnionEuropean Union
platform PlayStation 3
genre Ego shooter
Game mode Single and multiplayer
control DualShock 3
medium Blu-ray disc
language Changeable for all versions
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+

Killzone 3 is a for the PlayStation 3 published science fiction - first person shooter , developed by Guerrilla Games and distributed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe .


The action starts exactly after the end of Killzone 2 . After Visari's death, the protagonist Tomas “Sev” Sevchenko, at the hand of Rico Velasquez, sits on a staircase while the evacuation of ISA soldiers from Helghan begins. The remaining troops under Narville's command are supposed to gather outside the capital, but Rico disregards his orders to save a small group. When both ISA ships are destroyed by the Helghast, Rico and the small group of Sev and Narville are separated.

Six months later, the Helghast Senate is still after the ISA troops, above all Jorhan Stahl, the CEO of an arms factory. He and the admiral of the Helghast military, Orlock, don't understand each other at all and Stahl threatens to stop giving the military weapons. At the same time, Sev and the remaining troops hide in a dangerous jungle. After a patrol disappears, Sev and another soldier set out to find an uplink that they can use to contact the ISA. But they are attacked by Stahl's private army and Sev and Narville are captured by them. On the way to one of the Stahl Arms factories, Sev is rescued by Rico and his group. Sev is less pleased that Rico didn't save Narville too.

After a long discussion, Sev and Rico rescue the captured Narville and a couple of ISA soldiers. Then they start their journey to an ascent platform to get to Vektora. After arriving at the space station, there is a showdown between Stahl and the now new autarch Orlock, in which Orlock is killed by Stahl. Sev and Rico get wind of Stahl's plan. Steel wants to attack and destroy the earth.

But Rico and Sev can destroy Stahl's cruiser with nuclear explosive devices, but Helghan is also destroyed and most of the population of Helghan is killed.


Unlike in Killzone 2, there are different areas, such as a jungle and an area made of snow and ice. There is also fighting in a space station. There are also small passages in which gravity stops. The movements of the player character and his weapon feel more powerful than in other shooters.


There were three different modes in multiplayer: Guerrilla Warfare, Warzone and Operations. The teams were based on the factions from the single player campaign.

  • Guerrilla Warfare is the classic team deathmatch in which up to 16 players per map compete against each other.
  • The game mode Warzone from Killzone 2 contains several tasks such as capture and hold that the players must complete. Up to 24 players can compete against each other here.
  • Operations mode is added to Killzone 3 . Here the two teams have to take control of certain areas. There are also animated cutscenes here.
  • On March 29, 2018, the online multiplayer functions of Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 were deactivated, now the game can only be played offline.

Literary processing

The extended plot of the game was published by Sam Bradbury in the novel "Übermacht" (English. Ascendancy ).


Individual evidence
