Klaus Lutz

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Klaus Lutz (born March 21, 1940 in St. Gallen ; † September 9, 2009 in New York City ) was a Swiss painter, experimental filmmaker and performance artist.


Lutz was a teacher by profession. He grew up in St. Gallen and lived in Zurich for many years , including Genoa for a while . In 1973 Lutz designed a picture book with 31 small-format drypoint etchings based on Robert Walser's Das Ende der Welt . Klaus Lutz has been making experimental films since the mid-1980s, which he showed in 1999 in the Helmhaus in Zurich . In 1992 Lutz received the studio grant for the studio loft of the city of Zurich in New York. He then stayed in the East Village , a suburb of Manhattan in New York , where he lived and worked in a small studio until his death. He dressed this room in black for his film productions and recordings. In 2003 he received the Zurich city grant.

On September 11, 2009, two days after his death, his space odyssey Titan was shown at the Toronto International Film Festival .

Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich showed a retrospective on the work of Klaus Lutz in 2012 under the title “The artist's house”.


  • Acrobatics , Zurich: Helmhaus, 1999


  • Frank Matter: The Beauty of My Island. Shooting Klaus Lutz. Documentary, 33 min., Switzerland / USA 1999

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Shooting Klaus Lutz
  2. ^ Titan at the Toronto Film Festival
  3. Klaus Lutz's universe in Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich
  4. The Beauty of My Island - Shooting Klaus Lutz at: soap factory Basel