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Classification according to ICD-10
L84 Corns and horns (skin) calluses
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)
Feet with corns
Cone after extraction

The corn (also crows eyes , Horn eye , Comparative mandrel , Klavus or Clavus of Latin clavus , nail ' is) one by chronic pressure on bone near skin -related, circumscribed, generally very painful calluses formation with a central, in the depth directional spur. In this context, the spur refers to the hard, conical hyperkeratosis (horn cone ), the tip of which is directed inwards.

Word meaning

Documented since the 16th century, the word "corn", like the synonymous names magpie or crow's eye, refers to the similarity to a bird's eye, while corpse thorn refers to the dead body or dead tissue.


The corns of the soles of the feet (plantar clavi) usually arise near the heads of the metatarsal bones , those of the toes on the back of the toes near the toe joints ( interphalangeal joints ) as dorsal or interdigital clavi. Orthopedic peculiarities such as a flat or splayfoot or arthritically altered toe joints in combination with unfavorable footwear promote callus formation. Due to the pressure conditions, a conical corneal thickening occurs , the tip of which is directed inwards.

Occasionally, no orthopedic-mechanical cause can be identified. A local viral infection is then probably responsible, and it is therefore a virus wart .

Types of corns

There are a total of six types of corns, which are differentiated according to their hardness, structure or place of occurrence:

Clavus durus
A hard corn that can primarily appear on the soles of the feet but also on the top of the toes.
Clavus mollis
A soft corn. The clavus mollis usually occurs between the toes.
Clavus neurovascularis
A corn with small blood vessels running through it in the corneal layer and therefore very sensitive to pain.
Clavus papillari
A pain sensitive corn that can be recognized by a clear white border. There is either a bruise or a gelatinous layer under the horny layer.
Clavus neurofibrosus
A circular and deep clavus. The clavus neurofibrosus is scarred and traversed by nerve and connective tissue fibers.
Clavus subungalis
Clavus subungalis is a corn that forms under the nail.


Due to pain, corns can make walking impossible or significantly more difficult and particularly torture the elderly in activities of daily living with all the other consequences that follow. In the case of diabetes mellitus or neuropathy of another cause, the changes are probably less painless or painless, but can result in more serious changes and lead to malum perforans through fistula and ulcer formation and to diabetic gangrene of the toes or foot through infections .


A treatment is expediently initiated with a foot bath in warm water for about 20 minutes. This soaks the skin and can peel it off underneath the spur, exposing it. After this pretreatment, a solution containing salicylic acid or a plaster soaked with salicylic acid can be applied. The scratching and peeling off of the corneal layers with a knife, z. B. a special corn knife . Otherwise, podiatrists offer their services for this. Very deep corns can be surgically removed. In the 19th century there was even a special job title for corn surgeon .


Healthy shoes and, if necessary, orthopedic insoles can prevent this . Another help is to walk barefoot in between.

Web links

Wiktionary: corn  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Renate Wahrig-Burfeind (Ed.): True. Illustrated dictionary of the German language . ADAC-Verlag, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-577-10051-6 , pp. 159 .
  2. Clavus. In: Roche Lexicon Medicine. 5th edition, Urban & Fischer 2003.
  3. Wolfgang Pfeifer : Etymological Dictionary of German . 6th edition. dtv, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-423-32511-9 .
  4. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf . Printed and commissioned by Th. Stahl, Düsseldorf April 1, 1867, III. Proof of business and tradespeople, doctors, artists, etc., p. 206 , surgeon for corns ( ).