Knights of the Southern Cross - New Zealand

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The Knights of the Southern Cross - New Zealand (Abbreviation: KSCNZ, German: Knight of the Southern Cross in New Zealand ) is a male lay order in the Roman Catholic Church in New Zealand . The brotherhood was founded in 1922 and is represented by 18 local chapters in all New Zealand dioceses , the members advocate a Christian life.


New Zealand flag

In 1919 the lay organization Knights of the Southern Cross - Australia was founded and developed strongly in Australia . Archbishop Francis Mary Redwood SM of Wellington , New Zealand , invited the Australian brothers to a founding meeting in Wellington in 1922 . At the same time, the coadjutor bishop of Auckland James Michael Liston was interested in a foundation and made the same proposal. In the years 1922 to 1924 the first local brotherhood group was founded in Auckland , from this a further group in Wellington emerged. The Australian Brotherhood took over the patronage until 1931 . The first annual conference of the "Supreme Council" of the KSCNZ took place on November 22, 1931 in Wellington.

tasks and goals

The KSCNZ has chosen the following criteria for its task and goal: You want to promote progress, cultivate the Christian life, support the members of the order and their families, encourage spiritual and social activities together and finally make a contribution to the support of upbringing , charity and religion and social welfare .


Men over the age of 18 can become members. The organization is divided into local groups (e.g. in parishes) which are grouped into provinces (e.g. diocese). The highest body is the "National Secretariat". He is headed by the "Supreme Knight" who runs the organization with the board members. KSCNZ's main office is in Wellington.


The KSCNZ is a member of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights , which in turn has been recognized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity as an international association of believers and has been included in the list of international lay religious communities . For the sake of international cooperation, it maintains connections with the Knights of the Southern Cross - Australia, the Columbus Knights , the Knights of Saint Columbanus , the Knights of da Gama and the Knights of Saint Columba .

Emblem and naming

The KSCNZ's badge is a combination of a Latin cross , overlaid with a green map of New Zealand. The Southern Cross (Four Stars of the South) as a symbol of the southern hemisphere is added above the left cross bar . The Southern Cross can also be seen in the New Zealand flag . Under the right cross bar are the letters KSC (Abbreviation for Knights of the Southern Cross).

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