Kochersberg (landscape)

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Natural areas in Alsace

The Kochersberg is a landscape in the Upper Rhine Plain in the Lower Alsace northwest of the city of Strasbourg . The historical center is the 302 m high Kochersberg with the lost Kochersberg Castle . The current center is Truchtersheim . The Kochersberg extends between the valleys of the Zorn in the north and the Breusch in the south. In the west it extends to the Zaberner Steige , in the east to the high terrace of the Rhine .

The Kochersberg is an agricultural area, due to the loess soil that is widespread here . The farmland around Ittenheim is traditionally distinguished from the Kochersberg . The people of the Kochersberg keep old traditions and beliefs; the Strasbourgers sometimes consider them to be rural and backward.


The Kochersberg formed an office in the bishopric of Strasbourg . Since the 17th century, the bishopric came under French influence. During the Dutch War , François de Créquy , who later became Marshal of France , defeated Emperor Leopold I's troops in the Battle of Kochersberg on October 7, 1677 .

The canton of Truchtersheim was added to the canton of Bouxwiller in 2015 . The municipal association Syndicat intercommunal à vocation multiple du Kochersberg merged into the municipal association Communauté de communes du Kochersberg in 2011 .

Maison du Kochersberg

The Maison du Kochersberg in Truchtersheim, an institution of the Kochersberg municipal association and previously the Kochersberg municipal association, is dedicated to preserving the region's cultural heritage. Founded in 1982 and expanded several times since then, it presents changing exhibitions on regional topics and publishes the magazine Kocherschbari , which appears twice a year .


  • August Stöber : The Kochersberg, a scenic picture from Lower Alsace , Mulhouse 1857. Online
  • Roger Engel et al .: Croix rurales anciennes des environs de Saverne et du Kochersberg , Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Saverne et environs, Saverne 1974
  • Marcel Thomann: Le Kochersberg au Haut Moyen Age . In: Revue d'Alsace , 134, Strasbourg 2008, pp. 79–127. On-line

Web links

Commons : Kochersberg  - collection of images, videos and audio files