Konrad Felber

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Konrad Felber (born June 16, 1953 in Limbach-Oberfrohna ) is a German politician of the FDP . In 1990 he was a member of the last People's Chamber and the Bundestag .

Professional background

Felber was born in 1953 as the son of an independent master plumber in Limbach-Oberfrohna. After visiting the POS , he completed an apprenticeship as a plumber and plumber from 1970 to 1972. After completing basic military service, Felber attended a master craftsman course in Karl-Marx-Stadt . He then worked as a master plumber in his parents' plumber and plumbing business until 1990. After serving as a member of parliament, Felber headed the Chemnitz branch of the Federal Commissioner for Stasi Records from January 1991 to 1995 . He then took over his parents' craft business, which he ran until 1997. At the same time, Felber completed an extra-occupational degree in business administration from 1995 to 1998. In March 1997 he became head of the Erfurt branch of the Federal Commissioner for Stasi Records. Since September 1998 he has been in charge of the Dresden branch for over 20 years. He was succeeded by Cornelia Herold on April 1, 2019 .

Felber is married and has one child.

Political career

Felber got involved in the New Forum from October 1989 . In December of the same year he became one of the co-founders of the German Forum Party and a little later elected its district chairman for the Karl-Marx-Stadt district. For the Volkskammer election in 1990 Felber ran in constituency 08 (Karl-Marx-Stadt district) on the list position 2 for the electoral alliance Die Liberalen as a DFP member. Since the electoral alliance won three seats in the constituency, Felber became a member of the People's Chamber. There he worked in the German Unity Committee, in the control committee for the dissolution of the Ministry for State Security and in the temporary examination committee of the MPs. In August 1990 he became a member of the FDP, as the DFP joined the liberal party. Felber was one of the 144 MPs who moved from the People's Chamber to the Bundestag. He represented the FDP from October 3 to December 20, 1990 in the Bundestag. Felber held various honorary positions in the FDP in the 1990s. From 1991 to 1993 he was FDP district chairman of the Chemnitzer Land district association, from 1992 to 1995 he was a member of the FDP state executive committee for Saxony and from 1993 a member of the FDP federal executive committee. Since 1994 he has also been a city councilor in Limbach-Oberfrohna, where he leads the parliamentary group. He is also deputy chairman of the Wilhelm Külz Foundation in Dresden.

Felber ran for various elections several times. So he took part in all previous Saxon state elections. As a direct applicant, he always had no chance, on the state lists he always got a lower place. In addition, he ran for the Bundestag in 1990, 2005 and 2009 . While he came off hopelessly as a direct or list candidate in the first two elections, he narrowly missed a mandate in 2009. Four list applicants from the FDP achieved a mandate in the Bundestag, Felber came out empty with 6th place on the list. Felber also failed with a single-digit result in the district elections for the district of central Saxony in 2008.


  • Christopher Hausmann: Biographical Handbook of the 10th People's Chamber of the GDR , Böhlau, Cologne 1990, ISBN 3-412-02597-6 .



  1. ^ Elmar Kramer: New head of the BStU branch in Dresden. Federal Commissioner for Stasi Records, April 5, 2019, accessed on March 7, 2020 .

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