Konrad Widmer

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Konrad Widmer (born December 17, 1919 in St. Gallen ; † June 14, 1986 in Zurich ) was a Swiss educationalist and university lecturer .


Widmer studied at the Mariaberg seminar in Rorschach from 1936 to 1940 and then worked as a teacher in the canton of St. Gallen . At the same time as his work as a teacher, he did a degree (pedagogy, philosophy, curative education, psychology and German studies) at the University of Zurich and completed his doctoral thesis with Paul Moor in 1952 (title: "The special educational situation of schools for difficult children").

From 1958 Widmer worked at the Mariaberg seminar as a professor for education, psychology and German and at the same time held a teaching position at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich . He also stayed temporarily as a substitute professor for education and psychology at the University of St. Gallen and held courses at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zurich. Widmer rejected calls to chairs at German universities ( Philipps University Marburg , University of Hamburg , Leibniz University of Hanover ). Instead, in 1965 he took up an assistant professorship at the Pedagogical Seminar of the University of Zurich. In 1968 he became associate professor for pedagogy and pedagogical psychology at the University of Zurich, and in 1970 he was appointed full professor there. After his discharge from university at the end of the winter semester 1985/86, he continued to give lectures and lead seminars at the University of Zurich until his unexpected death.

The focus of Widmer's academic work was the connection between pedagogical theory and practice as well as the subject areas of classroom research, teacher training, didactics, sports pedagogy and psychology. In his later work he dealt increasingly with the topic of professional training in industry, business and administration.

According to Walter Herzog , who from 1976 worked under Widmer as an assistant at the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Zurich and later became Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Bern, Widmer was “a man of the middle, of balance and reconciliation”.

Individual evidence

  1. a b History of Education at the University of Zurich: Prof. em. Dr. phil. Konrad Widmer (1919-1986). In: University of Zurich. Retrieved January 16, 2020 .
  2. a b c Walter Herzog: Konrad Widmer † . In: Swiss teacher newspaper . tape 16 , August 7, 1986, pp. 28 .
  3. Widmer, Konrad. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland. Retrieved January 16, 2020 .
  4. Curriculum Vitae expanded. In: walterherzog.ch. Retrieved January 16, 2020 (German).
  5. Prof. em. Dr. Walter Herzog. In: edu.unibe.ch. October 24, 2019, accessed January 16, 2020 .