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Stropharia coronilla 20070819wa.JPG

Krönchen-Trümmling ( Stropharia coronilla )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Trussling relatives (Strophariaceae)
Genre : Stropharia ( Stropharia )
Type : Krönchen-Trümmling
Scientific name
Stropharia coronilla
( DC  .: Fr. ) Quél.

The Krönchen-Trüsselling ( Stropharia coronilla ) is a type of mushroom from the family of the Trümmling relatives .


Macroscopic features

The Krönchen-Trümmling forms fruit bodies divided into a hat and a stem, the hat is about 2–5 cm wide. It is hemispherical when young, later arched and pale yellow to lemon yellow on the upper side, sometimes a bit scaly with age, slightly smeary when moist. The 2.5–4 cm long and 5–10 mm thick stem is white and has a membranous ring grooved on top . In young specimens it is full, when old it is pithy and hollow, it is rigid and breaks easily. The lamellae of the Krönchen-Trümmling are pale gray-brown when young, later blue-violet purple-gray, with a lighter and flaky edge. They rise on the stalk and are narrow. The spore powder is dark.

Microscopic features

The elliptical and thick-walled spores measure 7.5-9 × 4-5 micrometers. They have a weak or invisible germ pore . The club-shaped, bottle-shaped and weak-headed cystids on the lamellar cutting edge and lamellar surface are up to 40 µm long and contain light-refracting inclusions .

Species delimitation

A doppelganger is the Schwarzblättrige Trümmling ( Stropharia melanosperma ) with very dark gray to purple-blackish colored lamellae and larger spores ([8–] 8.5–11 [–11.5] × 6–7.5 µm) turn a strong olive-ocher brown color with the addition of potassium hydroxide solution .

Ecology and phenology

The Krönchen-Trüsselling is a saprobiontic soil dweller that grows on meadows, pastures, dry grass along grassy forest paths, on roadsides and hedges. It prefers grassy, ​​open areas, where it occurs on both nutrient-poor and nitrogen-rich soils. The individual or gregarious fruit bodies appear evenly from early summer to autumn.


The Krönchen-Trüsselling is a European species that is widespread from Spain, the Balearic Islands, Corsica and Italy, across Western Europe to Sweden and Finland, and to the east it can be found as far as Poland. It is common in Germany.


The Krönchen-Trümmling is considered poisonous and weakly hallucinogenic.


  • Hans E. Laux: The great cosmos mushroom guide. All edible mushrooms with their poisonous doppelgangers. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08457-4 .
  • E. Gerhardt: The great BLV mushroom guide for on the go. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Munich, Vienna, Zurich 2001; ISBN 3-405-15147-3
  • German Josef Krieglsteiner (Ed.), Andreas Gminder : Die Großpilze Baden-Württemberg . Volume 4: Mushrooms. Blattpilze II. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3281-8 .
  • Josef Breitenbach, Fred Kränzlin (Ed.): Mushrooms of Switzerland. Contribution to knowledge of the fungal flora in Switzerland. Volume 4: Agarics. Part 2: Entolomataceae, Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Bolbitiaceae, Strophariaceae. Mykologia, Luzern 1995, ISBN 3-85604-040-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Erhard Ludwig: Descriptions. The smaller genera of macromycetes with a lamellar hymenophore from the orders Agaricales, Boletales and Polyporales . In: Mushroom Compendium . tape 1 . IHW, Eching 2001, ISBN 3-930167-43-3 .

Web links

Commons : Krönchen-Trüsselling ( Stropharia coronilla )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files