Truffle relatives
Truffle relatives | ||||||||||||
Verdigris-deer ( Stropharia aeruginosa ) |
Systematics | ||||||||||||
Scientific name | ||||||||||||
Strophariaceae | ||||||||||||
Overeem ex Singer & AH Sm. |
The Strophariaceae relatives are a family from the order of the mushroom-like (Agaricales). The Trümmling relatives include species with small to medium-sized and, in some cases, very large fruiting bodies . The mushrooms grow on wood or on the ground.
The mushroom is partially covered with velum and there is a ring or fiber remnants on the edge of the hat and on the stem. The lamellas are wide and partly sloping down. The spore powder is either lavender, purple to blackish brown or cinnamon, red to rust brown in color. The spores usually have a germ pore.
Genera (selection)
The following genera belong to the family of Trümmling relatives:
- Arable crops - Agrocybe
- Falsies - Leveroma
- Sulfur heads - Hypholoma
- Stick sponges - Kuehneromyces
- Flaky carvings - Phaeomarasmius
- Schüpplinge - Pholiota
- Baldheads - Psilocybe
- Dreamlings - Stropharia
- Trumpet Carvings - Tubaria
- Rudolf Schubert , Horst Herbert Handke, Helmut Pankow: Rothmaler excursion flora of Germany . tape 1 : Lower plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-8274-0655-2 .
Web links
Commons : Trümmlingsverwandte (Strophariaceae) - Collection of images, videos and audio files