Sulfur heads

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Sulfur heads
Green-leaved sulfur head (Hypholoma fasciculare)

Green-leaved sulfur head ( Hypholoma fasciculare )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Trussling relatives (Strophariaceae)
Genre : Sulfur heads
Scientific name
( Fr. ) P. Kumm. (nom. cons.)

Sulfur heads ( Hypholoma , syn. Naematoloma ) are a genus of fungi from the family Trümmlingsverwandten . The best known and most common are the edible gray-leaved sulfur head ( H. capnoides ) and the poisonous green-leaved sulfur head ( H. fasciculare ), the type species of the genus.


The medium-sized fruit bodies usually have a central stem. The color spectrum of the mushroom bodies ranges from yellow-brown to brick-red. The color of the spore powder is dark brown to almost black. The fruiting body development is hemiangiocarp , i. H. during growth, the young fruiting body is surrounded by a velum . This velum can only be found in the sulfur heads on very young fruiting bodies.

Distribution and ecology

The genus is widespread worldwide and its representatives prefer to grow saprobion table on dead wood and plant remains. Some species are bound to moors .


Around 20 species occur in Europe or can be expected there.

Sulfur heads ( Hypholoma ) in Europe0
German name Scientific name Author quote
Gray or smoke-leaved sulfur head Hypholoma capnoides (Fries 1818: Fries 1821) P. Kummer 1871
Peat moss sulfur head Hypholoma elongatum (Persoon 1798) Ricken 1912
Grooved sulfur head Hypholoma ericaeoides PD Orton 1960
Heide-Schwefelkopf Hypholoma ericaeum (Persoon 1801: Fries 1821) Kühner 1936
Lapland sulfur head Hypholoma eximium (C. Laestadius 1860) Rald 1991
Green-leaved sulfur head Hypholoma fasciculare (Hudson 1778: Fries 1821) P. Kummer 1871
00 Dwarf sulfur head 00 Hypholoma fasciculare var.  Pusillum JE Lange 1923
Joyfully colored sulfur head Hypholoma laeticolor (FH Møller 1945) PD Orton 1960
Brick-red sulfur head Hypholoma lateritium (Schaeffer 1774: Fries 1821) P. Kummer 1871
Sociable or adder-stemmed sulfur head Hypholoma marginatum (Persoon 1801: Fries 1821) J. Schröter 1889
Sticky sulfur head Hypholoma myosotis (Fries 1818: Fries 1821) M. Lange 1955
Olive-brown sulfur head Hypholoma olivaceotinctum (Kauffman 1926) Pomerleau 1984
Moss Sulfur Head Hypholoma polytrichi (Frieze 1815) Ricken 1912
Sulfur head with roots Hypholoma radicosum JE Lange 1923
Pond edge sulfur head Hypholoma subericaeum (Fries 1884) Kühner 1936
Sclerotia-sulphurous head Hypholoma tuberosum Redhead & Kroeger 1987
Out-pored Sulfur Head or Kahler Peat Sulfur Head Hypholoma udum (Persoon 1801: Frieze 1821) Quélet 1876
Hypholoma xanthocephalum PD Orton 1984


Individual evidence

  1. Elias Magnus Fries: Agaricus . In: Systema Mycologicum . tape 1 . Lund, 1821, p. 288 ( ).
  2. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Hypholoma . In: Mushroom Taxa Database. August 25, 2010, archived from the original on January 23, 2013 ; accessed on August 19, 2012 (including update no.86).

Web links

Commons : Sulfur Heads ( Hypholoma )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files