Trumpet carvings

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Trumpet carvings
Common trumpet carving (Tubaria furfuracea)

Common trumpet carving ( Tubaria furfuracea )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Trussling relatives (Strophariaceae)
Genre : Trumpet carvings
Scientific name

The trumpet carvings ( Tubaria ) are a genus of fungi from the family of crack fungus relatives (Inocybaceae).

The type species is the common trumpet carving ( Tubaria furfuracea ).


The undersides of the hat of the common trumpet carving (
Tubaria furfuracea ) with typical ocher-brown lamellas

Macroscopic features

The trumpet carvings are small to medium-sized lamellar mushrooms with a hat and stem. The hats are flat convex to depressed and hygrophan (staining when damp). The top is dry, matt and often a bit felty or finely flaky. The hat color is flesh reddish to flesh brown, completely white shapes are possible. The stem is cylindrical or, in some species, slightly thickened at the base. The ocher yellowish to brown lamellae are broadly grown or run down. The stem is usually longer than the hat is wide; it can be ringed or unringed. The velum is usually fibrous and sometimes remains clearly visible on the hat or the stem as a ring or ring zone. The spore powder of the trumpet carvings is light ocher brown to rust or brick brown.

Microscopic features

The spores are elliptical to bean-shaped and smooth to very finely warty. They are pale ocher to light rust yellow in color and have no germ pore. Further microscopic features of the genus are the hat skin consisting of lying hyphae . The hyphae have buckles, the lamellar trama is regular, cheilocystids are present; they are thread-shaped, club-like or head-shaped and thin-walled.


The trumpet carvings are saprobiontic wood, litter or humus inhabitants. The rather small fruiting bodies of the yellow-leaved trumpet carving can occasionally be found on the ground under hawthorn bushes on the dried fruits of the previous year.


The genus includes around 20 species worldwide. 12 species occur in Europe or are to be expected there.

Trumpet carvings ( Tubaria ) in Europe
German name Scientific name Author quote
White-stemmed trumpet carving Tubaria albostipitata DA Reid 1972
Ringed trumpet carving Tubaria confragosa (Frieze 1838) Harmaja 1978
Fuzzy trumpet carving Tubaria conspersa (Persoon 1800) Fayod 1889
Rockrose Trumpet Carving Tubaria cistophila Cheype 1997
Yellow-leaved trumpet carving Tubaria dispersa (Berkeley & Broome 1828) Singer 1961
Common trumpet carving Tubaria furfuracea (Persoon 1801) Gillet 1876
Whitish trumpet carving Tubaria hololeuca (Kühner 1957) Receipt 1990
Smallest trumpet carving Tubaria minutalis Romagnesi 1937
Moser's trumpet carving Tubaria moseri Raithelhuber 1974
Pale-pored trumpet carving Tubaria pallidispora JE Lange 1940
Considerable trumpet carving Tubaria praestans (Romagnesi 1957) Romagnesi 1957
Sociable trumpet carving Tubaria romagnesiana Arnold's 1982


As in many groups of mushrooms, the delimitation of the species is partly controversial with the trumpet carvings. The genus itself is classified by some authors among the veil relatives (Cortinariaceae) or the stumpfoot relatives (Crepidotaceae).


Members of the genus are out of the question as edible mushrooms.



Individual evidence

  1. Claude Casimir Gillet: Les Hyménomycètes ou Description de tous les Champignons qui Croissent en France . 1876, p. 537-538 , doi : 10.5962 / bhl.title.46975 .
  2. ^ Paul M. Kirk, Paul F. Cannon, David W. Minter, JA Stalpers: Dictionary of the Fungi . 10th edition. CABI Europe, Wallingford, Oxfordshire (UK) 2008, ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8 (784 pages).
  3. Achim Bollmann, Andreas Gminder , Peter Reil: List of illustrations of large European mushrooms . In: Yearbook of the Black Forest mushroom teaching show . 4th edition. Volume 2. Schwarzwälder Pilzlehrschau, 2007, ISSN  0932-920X (301 pages; directory of the color images of almost all large European mushrooms (> 5 mm) incl. CD with over 600 species descriptions).
  4. Erhard Ludwig: Descriptions. The smaller genera of macromycetes with a lamellar hymenophore from the orders Agaricales, Boletales and Polyporales . In: Mushroom Compendium . tape 1 . IHW, Eching 2001, ISBN 978-3-930167-43-2 (758 pages, German with English summaries, 17 × 24 cm, contains 20 new taxa and 13 new combinations).

Web links

Commons : Trumpet Slices ( Tubaria )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files