Ice Harbor Power Plant

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Ice Harbor Power Plant
Ice Harbor Power Plant (Washington)
Ice Harbor Power Plant
Coordinates 46 ° 14 '58 "  N , 118 ° 52' 47"  W Coordinates: 46 ° 14 '58 "  N , 118 ° 52' 47"  W
country United StatesUnited States United States
place Walla Walla County , Washington
Waters Snake River
power plant
operator USACE
construction time 1956 to 1961
Start of operation 1961
Bottleneck performance 603 megawatts
Standard work capacity 2,490 million kWh / year
Turbines Kaplan turbines
3 × 90 MW,
3 × 111 MW

The Ice Harbor Power Plant ( English Ice Harbor Lock and Dam ) is a run-of-river power plant in Washington State , USA . It is the last power plant in the chain of 17 hydropower plants on the Snake River , a left tributary of the Columbia River . The Snake River forms the border between Franklin County and Walla Walla County at this point .

Construction work began in January 1956. The power plant went into operation in December 1961. It was built by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and is also operated by the USACE. The basis for the construction was the River and Harbor Act of 1945. The Windust Caves were flooded by the dam , a group of nine caves, which for pre-European history from about 10,000 BC. Are of great importance.

Barrier structure

The barrier is a concrete gravity dam approximately 30 m (100 ft ) high  , to which an earth embankment adjoins on the right side of the river. It consists of a machine house on the left side of the river, a weir system with ten weir fields in the middle, and a lock on the right side. The top of the wall is at a height of 138  m above sea level. d. M. (453 ft). The total length including the dam is 860 m (2,822 ft); of this, 205 m (671 ft) are accounted for by the nacelle, 180 m (590 ft) by the weir system and 53 m (173 ft) by the lock. A maximum of 24,000 m³ / s (850,000 ft³ / s) can be discharged through the weir system.


With the normal storage target of 134 m (440 ft), the Sacajawea reservoir extends over an area of ​​around 33.9 km² (8,375  acres ). The minimum congestion destination is 133 m (437 ft), the maximum is 136 m (446 ft).

power plant

The Ice Harbor power plant has an installed capacity of 603  MW . The maximum possible output ( overload capacity ) is specified as 693 MW, which, however, can only be generated for a few hours. In 2011, 2.49 billion kWh were generated.

The first three machines were put into operation in 1961. Three more machines were installed by January 1976. All machines are Kaplan turbines . Turbines 1 to 3 each have a maximum output of 90 MW and the associated generators 95  MVA . The nominal speed of these turbines is 90 / min. The turbines 4 to 6 each have a maximum output of 111 MW and the associated generators 117  MVA . The rated speed of these turbines is 87.5 / min. The maximum flow is 3000 m³ / s (106,000 ft³ / s).

The electricity generated is marketed by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The BPA uses the four lowest power plants on the Snake River as peak load power plants , in particular to compensate for the fluctuating electricity generation from wind farms.


On the right side of the dam is a lock that is 206 m (675 ft) long and 26 m (86 ft) wide.


There are two fish ladders.

Web links

Commons : Kraftwerk Ice Harbor  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Ice Harbor Lock and Dam. USACE , accessed October 24, 2015 .
  2. a b c Ice Harbor Dam and Lake Sacajawea. USACE, accessed October 24, 2015 .
  3. a b Power benefits of the lower Snake River dams. (PDF 584 KB) Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), January 2009, accessed on October 20, 2015 .